This is Stoney and Melissa Hurst with their 3 children, Clayton, Clint and Cassidy. Stoney is a police officer in the Tulsa area and Melissa is the Rejoice Church Kids Coordinator for both campuses. Stoney and Melissa have been married for 10 years and they both grew up in the Owasso area. Rejoice Church has been their church for a majority of their lives, and Melissa has now been on staff at Rejoice for almost 5 years. Stoney and Melissa both speak on a regular basis to our kids ministries (1st-5th graders) on both campuses. Melissa also helps our Pastor of kids ministries, Ryan Golightly, in long term planning, small group leadership training, curriculum development and discipleship. When asked about the what most excites them about Rejoice, Melissa comments: "Rejoice Church is a multi-generation/family place, it has been fun to see leaders developed within the church and also be a place that my grandparents, parents, and my kids love to be a part of!" Next time you see Stoney or Melissa say hi and introduce youself!