Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The dirty "A" word-adultery

Over the last several weeks, I have had the privilege of meeting with several guys to eat breakfast, pray, and discuss how we could better lead our homes for Christ. It has been real encouraging seeing several of these guys who come from different backgrounds, grew up in different hometowns, most have different seasons of life, and many face different challenges. This week, we continued reading the book, Point Man, by Steve Farrar. Today's chapter, Real Men Don't, discussed the dirty "A" word-adultery. Farrar discusses the fact that when a husband cheats on his wife its not just an affair but adultery. And with adultery comes tremendous consequences like losing your marriage, damaging your influence with your kids, losing friendships, hurting your witness to those outside of Christ, being removed from leadership, and suffering almost insurmountable emotional damage. Here are a few more quotes from the book:

*We have seen too many leaders in recent years who have preached righteousness in the pulpit while practicing unrighteousness in some hotel room.
*Righteousness must not only be found in our pulpits, but in our homes.
*The modus operandi (for all men) should be to flee sexual immorality. See I Cor. 6:18
*He quotes Boake Carter, "in time of war, the first casualty is truth."
*We are in the greatest danger of all when we think we are safe. (Stand heed unless you fall...)
*Each divorce is the death of a small civilization.
*There is nothing wrong with desiring happiness, but horrendous problems develop when we become disobedient to obtain it.
*Forgiveness is available to all. But forgiveness does not automatically restore the privilege of leadership.

Have you ever suffered negative consequences regarding someone's choice? Have you ever personally lost a friendship or relationship due to adultery? Just today, ESPN came out with a story about one of their leading baseball analyst who is taking a leave of absence from his commentating in the middle of the playoffs. Why? Evidently he has been having an affair-committing adultery-with a co-worker. He is married and has several children. It is important to feel the pain that he and his family and this co-worker are all currently feeling. It is important to pray for each of those people that they will experience the forgiveness of Christ and the freedom to obedience he brings. It is important to exam each one of our own lives to set up specific boundaries and accountability so that we don't suffer the same things. After all, its because of grace we can be forgiven, and its because of grace that we remain free from the same sin. May God continue to raise up Godly men at Rejoice, in our cities, throughout our nation and in this world to lead our families and point others to Christ. That is a real man! -casey

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

i am second

No matter where you are on the football radar this is a strong video for multiple reasons:
1) It reminds us that sports is an activity for enjoyment but not for worship.
2) That heroes are people we look up to not idolize.
3) That college football players are in many ways still late teenagers or young adults.
4) That ultimately God calls us to lead for Christ no matter our sphere of influence or platform.

So no matter if you are a Poke, Longhorn, Aggie, Sooner, Golden Hurricane, Razorback, Red Raider, or don't enjoy football at all, take a minute to watch this video and be encouraged by two young followers of Christ. -casey c.

Friday, October 9, 2009

learning leadership from those leaving a legacy

Just ran across Will Mancini's blog about Chuck Swindoll's talk today at the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. See: Chuck Swindoll received the legacy award, he is 70 years old and was the former president of Dallas Theological Seminary and recent preaching pastor at Stonebriar Community Church. Chuck Swindoll is also known for his worldwide radio bible program called: Insight for Living.

Here are his 10 lessons from 50 years of ministry:

It’s lonely to lead
It’s dangerous to succeed
It’s hardest at home
It’s essential to be real
It’s painful to obey
Brokenness and failure are necessary
Attitude overshadows actions
Integrity eclipses image
God’s way is always better than my way
Christlikeness begins and ends with humility