Friday, November 27, 2009
fatherhood at thanksgiving
Here is a great story on a family that was separated by trials, circumstances, and choices. Recently the son has been reunited with his father. The son has always wanted to be loved by his father. The father had no idea he had a son. During Thanksgiving, no matter your family situation be thankful for what God is doing in your life and how much He is willing to pursue you through His one and only Son, Jesus Christ.
Read article here: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/columns/story?columnist=reilly_rick&id=4688219
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The dirty "A" word-adultery
Over the last several weeks, I have had the privilege of meeting with several guys to eat breakfast, pray, and discuss how we could better lead our homes for Christ. It has been real encouraging seeing several of these guys who come from different backgrounds, grew up in different hometowns, most have different seasons of life, and many face different challenges. This week, we continued reading the book, Point Man, by Steve Farrar. Today's chapter, Real Men Don't, discussed the dirty "A" word-adultery. Farrar discusses the fact that when a husband cheats on his wife its not just an affair but adultery. And with adultery comes tremendous consequences like losing your marriage, damaging your influence with your kids, losing friendships, hurting your witness to those outside of Christ, being removed from leadership, and suffering almost insurmountable emotional damage. Here are a few more quotes from the book:
*We have seen too many leaders in recent years who have preached righteousness in the pulpit while practicing unrighteousness in some hotel room.
*Righteousness must not only be found in our pulpits, but in our homes.
*The modus operandi (for all men) should be to flee sexual immorality. See I Cor. 6:18
*He quotes Boake Carter, "in time of war, the first casualty is truth."
*We are in the greatest danger of all when we think we are safe. (Stand heed unless you fall...)
*Each divorce is the death of a small civilization.
*There is nothing wrong with desiring happiness, but horrendous problems develop when we become disobedient to obtain it.
*Forgiveness is available to all. But forgiveness does not automatically restore the privilege of leadership.
Have you ever suffered negative consequences regarding someone's choice? Have you ever personally lost a friendship or relationship due to adultery? Just today, ESPN came out with a story about one of their leading baseball analyst who is taking a leave of absence from his commentating in the middle of the playoffs. Why? Evidently he has been having an affair-committing adultery-with a co-worker. He is married and has several children. It is important to feel the pain that he and his family and this co-worker are all currently feeling. It is important to pray for each of those people that they will experience the forgiveness of Christ and the freedom to obedience he brings. It is important to exam each one of our own lives to set up specific boundaries and accountability so that we don't suffer the same things. After all, its because of grace we can be forgiven, and its because of grace that we remain free from the same sin. May God continue to raise up Godly men at Rejoice, in our cities, throughout our nation and in this world to lead our families and point others to Christ. That is a real man! -casey
young leaders
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
i am second
No matter where you are on the football radar this is a strong video for multiple reasons:
1) It reminds us that sports is an activity for enjoyment but not for worship.
2) That heroes are people we look up to not idolize.
3) That college football players are in many ways still late teenagers or young adults.
4) That ultimately God calls us to lead for Christ no matter our sphere of influence or platform.
So no matter if you are a Poke, Longhorn, Aggie, Sooner, Golden Hurricane, Razorback, Red Raider, or don't enjoy football at all, take a minute to watch this video and be encouraged by two young followers of Christ. -casey c.
Friday, October 9, 2009
learning leadership from those leaving a legacy
Just ran across Will Mancini's blog about Chuck Swindoll's talk today at the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. See: http://clarityevangelist.typepad.com/will_mancini/2009/10/10-profound-lessons-from-the-catalyst-godfather-.html Chuck Swindoll received the legacy award, he is 70 years old and was the former president of Dallas Theological Seminary and recent preaching pastor at Stonebriar Community Church. http://www.stonebriar.org/ Chuck Swindoll is also known for his worldwide radio bible program called: Insight for Living. http://www.insight.org/
Here are his 10 lessons from 50 years of ministry:
It’s lonely to lead
It’s dangerous to succeed
It’s hardest at home
It’s essential to be real
It’s painful to obey
Brokenness and failure are necessary
Attitude overshadows actions
Integrity eclipses image
God’s way is always better than my way
Christlikeness begins and ends with humility
young leaders
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
praying continually and at all times, big and small
Do you find yourself praying more or praying less? Isn't it amazing that God can hear all prayers and all times, whether big or small, spoken loudly or whispered in the recesses of our mind! I'm so thankful that even when my heart yearns with a concern or prayer God knows it. This week, I find myself flooded with thankfulness of the good and perfect things that God is doing in so many people lives. I also find myself praying for many needs in our Rejoice family and throughout the world. This week I have been praying for a friend and spouse who were facing some major health questions. Today they got some really good news that their tests were negative and that was a huge positive! Today, I prayed for a family who filled out a Sunday communication card-they asked for prayer for their son and his emotional needs and social skills. I don't know who it is or their name-but God does. So I am praying for them. I have been praying for my relatives who are facing court battles with their children. God I want to lift up my brother-in-law Daniel while he is serving our country and Iraq in the middle east. God, I want to pray for my friend Gary and his healing from ear and jaw problems and my friend Eric in Nashville and his recovery from brain surgery. I find myself praying for the 14 people who have been baptized in the last 2 months at Rejoice, the many teens who have given their life to Christ...the three families that just attended church recently who I know are going through marriage difficulties! Last night, I was praying that God will continue to raise up men in our church who want to lead their families toward Christ. This morning I got to meet with 16 of them who are learning what it means to be the POINT MAN in their homes because of the gospel. Today, I found myself praying for a friend who had a "routine" procedure, but I also know that any time you have to go to the hospital and get a huge shot with lots of meds, it isn't routine. Today, I found myself praying for my family and thanking God for them. Praying that my wife would have a great day, be encouraged and reminded that God is using her in great ways to impact our children and our community. I have been praying for my son to grow in his understanding of who Christ is and his need so that he could come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. My prayers have been also for my daughter that God will give her a heart of learning, obedience, and an ability to communicate with her words. The nations who don't know Christ comes to my mind, all those people, so many needs...
Lots of things to pray for and about...What are you praying about? What do you sense God asking you to pray about? When was the last time you were overwhelmed with all your needs and it drove you to actually pray? -casey
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
nehemiah: reforming our lives in order to rebuild our communities
This past Sunday we started our REBUILD preaching series from the book of Nehemiah. One of the main teaching portions of this book is that God has called Nehemiah to be a catalyst for rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem which was a city for God's people and glory. This seemed to be an impossible task, since Nehemiah lived 800 miles away, the walls had been broken for mnay years and the wall was 4.5 miles long. The walls also covered 960 acres, which is about 1. 5 square miles. This task that Nehemiah had for leadership was incredible. Tons of people challenges, money needs, families represented, cultural understandings, opinions by multiple generations, expectations from thousands, enemies at bay, etc... What is really incredible is the task was accomplished in 52 days! Wow. However, when I think about how impossible this task was and yet it was accomplished by God through people in 52 days, that has me thinking. What could we accomplish if we set our minds, hearts, and souls toward over the next 52 days. What might God want to do amongst us and within us over the next 52 days? God could save a marriage over the next 52 days if we were willing to be led by God and serve our spouse. God could reorganize our finances in 52 days and take us from drowning in debt, to setting a new course, and having a new plan of action. God could enable us to forgive something or someone that we have been bitter towards for years in just 52 days. God may even want us to see more life change in the next 52 days than we have seen in the last 52 months? Who knows what God will do, if only we will set our hearts toward His plan over the next 52 days! -casey
life change,
young leaders
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Nehemiah: reforming our lives in order to rebuild our communities
Quick: What do you know about the book of Nehemiah? What can you tell us about his leadership, his culture, his task? How do you think it relates to our own lives? Join with hundreds of others this Sunday as we gather to look at how we can reform our own lives in order to help rebuild our own communities! -casey
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
free leadership church conference on wed. at 9 am
Tomorrow a conference called "The Nines" will be held, beginning at 9am CST. Rejoice will be hosting it all day at the south campus in the band room/ampi-theatre room. If you would like to join the Rejoice Staff just email me at ccariker@rejoicechurch.com -casey
Friday, September 4, 2009
need some ideas for christmas? guys-expecting company?
Just over 110 days till Christmas? Looking for an early Christmas present for your dad or grandfather? Tired of having to wear really nice clothes around the house? Any better ideas? -casey c.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
training on leadership for free!
Next Wednesday, Sept. 9th, 2009 ( a week from tomorrow), our church staff will be hosting a free web conference called "the nines". Our staff will be gathering for lunch and a specific one hour of these 9 minute leadership talks. The great news is that you don't have to be at Rejoice Church or any specific building to be encouraged by 75 Godly leaders across the nation. You can go to http://thenines.leadnet.org/ You can register for free, get it on your computer, watch it from home, bring lunch to work and then eat it at your desk, etc.. There will be 75 leaders who will present one thought for 9 minutes. Check it out! -casey c.
Friday, August 28, 2009
small drama or GRAND STORY
“Your life is much bigger than a good job, an understanding spouse, and non-deliquent kids. It is bigger than beautiful gardens, nice vacations, and fashionable clothes. In reality, you are part of something immense, something that began before you were born and will continue after you die. God is rescuing fallen humanity, transporting them into His kingdom, and progressively shaping them into His likeness-and he wants you to be a part of it!”-Paul Tripp
In way areas of your life has God recently been reforming/changing? In what ways has (the) Holy Spirit be conforming you into the likeness of Christ? Who is God asking you to help grow in this same process? -Casey Cariker
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
young leaders at rejoice
Recently, at Rejoice South we had picture day. It was a lot of fun to see tons of pics of the different individuals, families, and new people that God has been sending us. This picture was one that got my attention. Not because they are all new to Rejoice but because of their potential. Tonight, I began to think about each one, their different faith stories, their different family situations, their unique personalities, their specific gifts to the body of Christ...then I began to pray for them. "Father, will you remind them of your supernatural love today. Awaken them to the Spirit of God that you have given them upon surrendering to your grace. Open their hearts so they can worship passionately, transform their minds so they can think biblically, open their hand so they will give generously, give their feet a new direction/purpose for live, and help them use their words for your glory!" Amen.
-casey cariker
Saturday, August 22, 2009
logan mccormick, Christ-follower and new international missionary
I got the chance to sit down with Logan McCormick today. Logan just returned from an international missions trip to the closed country of Morocco. Logan joined with a group from the United States to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need in Morocco as well as look for opportunities to spread the Gospel.
Q: Logan, what most surprised you about Morocco? Probably the culture. It was my first time out of the country and first cross culture missionary trip. So the idea of being in a strange place, with a different people group, with different preferences, religions, foods, customs..all of it was extremely eye opening.
Q: What were some of the things you enjoyed the most in Morocco? Spending time with our team from the United States, learning their callings and backgrounds. Playing with the Morocco children, making them laugh even though I couldn't speak their language, walking on my hands to put on entertainment, just overall trying to be a servant and an example of Christ.
Q: How much is the gospel needed in Morocco? Horrible! 99% are Muslim, 5 times a day people are worshipping, praying to a dead false God. People who are Christ-followers face death for converting to Jesus. It is overwhelming. It is really hard to understand.
Q: What did you feel like God taught you or revealed to your heart in Morocco? He taught me to have patience. I wanted to change the community in one trip, but I have to trust in His direction and care. I need to be thankful for my family and place to live. I need to be more aware of the work of Christ in the world.
Q: Let us know about some of your teammates/co-workers in Morocco... I enjoyed spending time with some leaders from our church, learning from other leaders and cross cultural missionaries...learning from people who have literally given decades of years in foreign places for the sake of the gospel is inspiring.
Q: Any last thoughts? I just want to thank everyone that financially supported me and prayed for me. It wasn't easy for my family to let me go. I'm praying that God will encourage and repay everyone who helped me go on this trip of a lifetime, hopefully I will get even more opportunities like this one!
-thanks Logan-Casey Cariker
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
82 year old Christ follower by cindybeall.com
Dear 82-Year Old Follower Of Christ written by Cindy Beall at www.cindybeall.com
So, how have you done it?
How have you managed to maintain your faith in Christ all these years?
How have you handled the changes that you have certainly seen in your 82 years on this earth?
How have you dealt with the heartaches that you’ve most assuredly endured?
How have you chosen to trust God when everything around you seemed to be in shambles?
How have you done it?
Because, quite frankly, I want someone to ask me this when I’m 82 and I’ll need to know what to say.
You inspire me.
-Casey writes: When was the last time you sat down and spoke to someone who has pursued Christ for many decades? It is so encouraging to be around a person who has understand the love of Jesus for many many years, they still have the fire/zeal of God in their eyes, they still weep when talking about the cross...they still rejoice when someone far from God is reunited with God through Jesus...they still are faithful to the local church...they long to be in the presence of Christ in heaven, but they also long to see another generation take Christ to the nations...This week spend a few moments learning from a long time Christ-follower. -casey cariker
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
have you noticed "the noticer"
What have you been noticing about your world lately? Do you fly through life only noticing your relationships, your needs, and the things you are interested in? In his book, The Noticer, Andy Andrews does a good job writing an interesting narrative about an elderly homeless person who noticed many important things about several different people and families. He notices damaged relationships/marriage, leaders who need wisdom, people who need a hand up, young people who need encouragement and so on. Andrews does a great job writing a simple, easy to read narrative. This is a book that I could recommend to people who need to grow in their understanding of making an impact on others. However, I "noticed" that several concepts in the narrative were real similar to other books that I have read. For example, Andrews talks about how each one of us express our love for others, especially in a marriage, yet what he noticed sounded just like Gary Chapman's book on Love Languages. Overall this book was worth reading, it was catchy in its story telling, it made a few good points, but I wouldn't call it a 'must read'. I give this book 3 stars. -casey cariker
dear mother of young children
(written by Cindy Beall at www.cindybeall.com)
Dear Mother of young children,
Your days are long, aren’t they, precious? You are so tired of telling that 3-year old to pee-pee in the potty you could scream. And you often do. You wonder when your newborn is going to sleep through the night so that you can sleep through the night. You never knew just how precious sleep was until now.
You dream of days when you can walk through the grocery store alone. You will hear another woman’s baby cry and you’ll be overjoyed because it is, in fact, another woman’s baby…not yours. You might even start skipping as if to say, “I am sorry she is crying, but your baby can cry the whole time for all I care because I don’t have my children. I AM ALONE!”
You count the hours down until the afternoon nap. You will battle with them for a bit as they fight off the impending sleep, but you know the battle will be yours. They doze off and you pray that the next 120 minutes will actually feel like 240. You complete the household duties that never seem to disappear and then sit down for a much-needed, much-deserved rest before the natives awake.
The dreaded time frame from 4:00 - 6:00 in the late afternoon is not to far away. You wonder what you’ll do to calm the cries this time. It’s commonly referred to as Arsenic Hour because you don’t know whether to give it to them or take it yourself. But you make it through, manage to prepare a decent meal for your family, and bathe and bed them so that you can grab 20 minutes of time with your husband before you doze off due to sheer exhaustion.
It won’t always be this way.
When that youngest turns five and heads off to kindergarten, you will wonder where the time went. Sure, you will enjoy your 2.5 hours of freedom each morning because your city only has 1/2-day kindergarten, but your eyes will light up as you see his cute, little self bouncing toward you in the carpool lane. You’ll inquire about his day and hope he shares every ounce of it with you so that you will not miss a thing.
Your older child can brush her own teeth, dress herself and even make herself some lunch. You offer to help her and she graciously replies, “Oh, no thanks, Mom. I’ve got it.” And you smile a little because you are proud of the little lady she is becoming, all the while holding back the tears that the child that once peed on your hard-wood floors now goes to the restroom like a normal child and even makes her own meals.
You will enter new seasons and what once drove you over the edge will now be a distant memory that brings a smile to your face. You will wonder where the days went when your sons foot begins to get as big as yours.
You will not even be able to remember the last time you didn’t sleep through the night. There will be no more diapers, wipes, sippy cups or pacifiers. The faces that once stole your heart away will begin to look like little people. And those little people will start looking like young adults.
So, hang in there. Some days all you feel like doing is hanging. And that’s okay. Try your best to enjoy each day to it’s fullest with these priceless gifts you’ve been given. Because trust me when I say this, you will miss this.
I sure do. -written by Cindy Beall at www.cindybeall.com -posted by casey cariker
Monday, August 17, 2009
dear married man 3 kids by Cindy Beall
Dear Married Father Of Three Kids,
Are you happy? If so, please tell your face.
I see you sitting on the chair at the water park just biding your time. Your kids are overjoyed and are having the time of their lives and you are just sitting there, enduring it all with a heavy sigh and rolling of your eyes, waiting for it to be over. You can’t wait for the day to be done so that you can go back to your cozy den and submerge yourself into a world of ridiculous-ness that is seen on the television.
You have no idea that you are missing life…right in front of your eyes.
I see it in your wife’s eyes. She misses you but doesn’t know what number to use to call you. She can’t find your heart so in the process decides she has to protect hers. Before you know it, there is a huge, brick wall right in the center of your king-sized bed. You haven’t truly seen her in years.
Your children come to you with their accomplishments just hoping they’ll receive an accolade from you, their dad. Only to be recognized with a motion from their father’s hand because they’ve gotten in the way of his precious television show.
You are missing it all. And you have no idea.
So, wake up from your sleep. Snap out of it. Before you know it, you will be a complete stranger to the woman you were once head over heels for. And your children? They won’t come back to visit you because there is no relationship to maintain.
You have no idea how many people would do just about anything to have the life you have.
Don’t believe me? Ask around.
Friday, August 14, 2009
social media a fad? have you tweeted today?
Holy Cow...For those of us who still have a VCR, use a toaster, are trying to figure out how to adjust the ring tone on our phone, and wonder if we got anything in our mailbox at the end of our driveway...we may need to take a deep breath!
morocco project
Here is another update from our team in Morocco.
Dear Friends,
Another long day. The medical team drove about an hour and a half to their destination. Arrived around noon, had breakfast and tea and began their day. The nurses on the team are doing a great jobteaching and doing consultations with the women. Dr. Jay is working long hours and listening to lots of issues and treating as meds are available. This morning we tried to purchase med's in bulk at the pharmacy....does not exist. What does exist is way to expensive to treat the masses like we are doing. So we just have to see how far the med's we shipped will go. The teams are returning to our base camp around 8-8:30 PM each evening. I hear excitement on everyone's voice. Continue to stand in the gap with us for energy, patience and understanding of what the father wants to teach each of us. We are being a blessing to the people. One president of several associations told me today that we are greatly appreciated in our actions of help. This is important for
what we are trying to accomplish.
The painting crew started the third school with four classrooms and six bathrooms. From the beginning of the day, our airless paint sprayer broke down. The pistole developed a leak and was cracked inside. That sent everyone to the rollers and paintbrushed. We quickly look for a solution to the situation and moved on. No HomeDepot anywhere in sight here! Because of the new shift in our work, we did not finish the school today. We will finish tomorrow. I am trying to negociate for the medical team to finish at noon on Friday.
One of our team members (Lynette) is not feeling well tonight and has not joined us for supper. Althought it is 11:15PM and we have not eaten yet. This makes for some long days, but gives us time to sit and visit with our team members. Jay is doing another consultation here at the house. I must say, he is a trooper and is using his gifts and skills to help thoses who do not have the means nor the specialist available.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
updates from morocco
We currently have a team of people partnering with the Hanna Project inside of Morocco. Remember that Morocco is a "close country" that does not have faith or religious freedom. Our people and the Hanna Project are being the hands and feet of Jesus:
The guys team went to the mountains on Monday morning leaving town late morning and arriving around noon where we were given a triumphal entry by the children of the village. We were offered hot mint tea and then a lunch. We began organizing for the painting of the school around 1:30 PM. We were granted stamina and speed. Everyone was exhausted as it took three hours to get to our destination. We finished the project by 5PM, thanks to the airless paint sprayer that was donated. We then waited for three hours for a vehicle to come and pick us up where about 15 people loaded into a van built for 9. Two or three guys road on the roof rack. Not our team. :-) We arrived at our hotel around 12:30 AM. We finished a day ahead of schedule. We started the second school this morning around 10AM and finished around 7PM. We are making great progress. Late this afternoon, a university graduate spoke with me and told me that we had set an example before the people of his village for our hard work. The schools look great, even if the paint is a lavender color! It brings a new image to the schools and they are clean and inviting for the children to begin school soon. Tomorrow we will begin the third school and our last. We will surely finish ahead of schedule and I am convinced there is a reason for this. It will give us the opportunity to show part of our team where we have been planning to do our first water project to help a village who does not have potable water. My desire is that it ignites a spark in the hearts of my team and they will leave the country to help champion the cause!
Thanks for standing with us on your knees!
Mike Cousineau
The guys team went to the mountains on Monday morning leaving town late morning and arriving around noon where we were given a triumphal entry by the children of the village. We were offered hot mint tea and then a lunch. We began organizing for the painting of the school around 1:30 PM. We were granted stamina and speed. Everyone was exhausted as it took three hours to get to our destination. We finished the project by 5PM, thanks to the airless paint sprayer that was donated. We then waited for three hours for a vehicle to come and pick us up where about 15 people loaded into a van built for 9. Two or three guys road on the roof rack. Not our team. :-) We arrived at our hotel around 12:30 AM. We finished a day ahead of schedule. We started the second school this morning around 10AM and finished around 7PM. We are making great progress. Late this afternoon, a university graduate spoke with me and told me that we had set an example before the people of his village for our hard work. The schools look great, even if the paint is a lavender color! It brings a new image to the schools and they are clean and inviting for the children to begin school soon. Tomorrow we will begin the third school and our last. We will surely finish ahead of schedule and I am convinced there is a reason for this. It will give us the opportunity to show part of our team where we have been planning to do our first water project to help a village who does not have potable water. My desire is that it ignites a spark in the hearts of my team and they will leave the country to help champion the cause!
Thanks for standing with us on your knees!
Mike Cousineau
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
DA Carson's The Cross and Christian Ministry
Last year I read, The Cross and Christian Ministry, a study of 1 Corinthians by D.A. Carson. It was really strong and the depth and insight of 1 Cor. was very solid. However, I put it on my shelf after highlighting much of it and went on with my business. Today, I ran across this portion on another blog, which reminded me of its depth and what we talked about from 1 John 5 last Sunday. Enjoy-
At the moment, books are pouring off the presses telling us how to plan for success, how "vision" consists in clearly articulated "ministry goals," how the knowledge of detailed profiles of our communities constitutes the key to successful outreach. I am not for a moment suggesting that there is nothing to be learned from such studies. But after a while one may perhaps be excused for marveling how many churches were planted by Paul and Whitefield and Wesley and Stanway and Judson without enjoying these advantages. Of course all of us need to understand the people to whom we minister, and all of us can benefit from small doses of such literature. But massive doses sooner or later dilute the gospel. Ever so subtly, we start to think that success more critically depends on thoughtful sociological analysis than on the gospel; Barna becomes more important than the Bible. We depend on plans, programs, vision statements--but somewhere along the way we have succumbed to the temptation to displace the foolishness of the cross with the wisdom of strategic planning. Again, I insist, my position is not a thinly veiled plea for obscurantism, for seat-of-the-pants ministry that plans nothing. Rather, I fear that the cross, without ever being disowned, is constantly in danger of being dismissed from the central place it must enjoy, by relatively peripheral insights that take on far too much weight. Whenever the periphery is in danger of displacing the center, we are not far removed from idolatry. (p. 26) -which part of this made you think? -casey cariker
Friday, August 7, 2009
34th birthday, do something a little different
Last week, while I was on vacation with my family in New Mexico I turned 34 yrs old. I also happened to be with my extended family in the Chama Moutains that day. So as I began to think about turning 34 and living each day as it could be my last, I decided to jump off a cliff from 35 feet up for my 34th birthday. Thanks to my sister-in-law Denae, we have a snapshot of it! When was the last time you did something a little risky? What event or decision have you been putting off for awhile and now you know you need to stop procrastinating? If you knew that you wouldn't fail, what risk or adventure would you start? Pray about it and go for it! -casey c.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Love For The Poor
This summer we have been looking at 1st John and have been challenged to take the 1st John challenge. Reading a chapter of First John each day. We hope that you and your family have been challenged by this series. In the third chapter of 1st John we are challenged to love one another. I will be honest and say that this can be very difficult at times. Sure it is easy to love those who love us, but when it comes to our enemies, that is another story. And found in verse 16, we get another challenge from John.
16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. 17 If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? 18Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.
We are called to love the poor, the less fortunate, brothers and sisters in need. This weekend our teens are about to experience this firsthand. We are in Waco, Texas about to go through Poverty Simulation. What is that, you may ask. Beginning Friday, possessions as we know it will be gone. We will be poverty stricken. All of our clothes, personal items, money, everything will be taken away. We will have to sleep outside. We will have to find our own food and water. We will be shown a reality that millions are faced with each day. We will be taught the truth of poverty and homelessness in America. Our teens will never be the same.
If we see a brother or sister in need and have no pity on them, how can the love of God be in him? Our students will never pass a needy person again and feel no love or sympathy. This will be our third time to work with the homeless in Waco. I honestly believe that this is an experience that everyone should go through at least once in their life. It changes your outlook on the less fortunate and teaches you the simple things we take for granted. Pray for the students and leaders this weekend as we will be living on the streets of Waco. Pray for the millions of Americans and millions worldwide who do not have a place to call home. Pray that as believers in Christ, we can all have and show more compassion for God's creations who are in need. Pray that we, as the body of Christ, will become less judgemental and apathetic and more loving and compassionate.
How can you begin to show love for those in need?
Brad L.
16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. 17 If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? 18Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.
We are called to love the poor, the less fortunate, brothers and sisters in need. This weekend our teens are about to experience this firsthand. We are in Waco, Texas about to go through Poverty Simulation. What is that, you may ask. Beginning Friday, possessions as we know it will be gone. We will be poverty stricken. All of our clothes, personal items, money, everything will be taken away. We will have to sleep outside. We will have to find our own food and water. We will be shown a reality that millions are faced with each day. We will be taught the truth of poverty and homelessness in America. Our teens will never be the same.
If we see a brother or sister in need and have no pity on them, how can the love of God be in him? Our students will never pass a needy person again and feel no love or sympathy. This will be our third time to work with the homeless in Waco. I honestly believe that this is an experience that everyone should go through at least once in their life. It changes your outlook on the less fortunate and teaches you the simple things we take for granted. Pray for the students and leaders this weekend as we will be living on the streets of Waco. Pray for the millions of Americans and millions worldwide who do not have a place to call home. Pray that as believers in Christ, we can all have and show more compassion for God's creations who are in need. Pray that we, as the body of Christ, will become less judgemental and apathetic and more loving and compassionate.
How can you begin to show love for those in need?
Brad L.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
think you struggle to get your kids to church?
We love kids at Rejoice Church. It's our hope that your kid never wants to escape our church this bad!
-casey c.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
redefining friendship
Ever wanted a friend that sticks closer than a brother? Here is a 21st century example. -casey cariker
Thursday, July 30, 2009
prodigal son? prodigal brother? prodigal father? prodigal God?
This week while spending some extra time with my family, I picked up Tim Keller's newest book Prodigal God. Keller's previous book, A Reason For God, spent a lot of time on the New York Times Bestseller's list. He is also known for planting a very healthy church in New York City. Prodigal God is an in-depth look at the well known chapter 15 of Luke. This particular chapter is the that lists the parables of the Lost Coin, Lost Sheep, and the Lost Son. However, Keller spends a lot of time helping the reader gain a richer perspective on the whole family in Luke 15. He makes us take a fresh look at the father who willingly gives us his inheritance to his rebellious son. The rebellious son who willingly wishes his father dead and wastes his love in stray living. But most uniquely, Keller also spends as much time helping us understand the sinfulness of the "elder brother" the one who stayed at home but throws a tantrum when others are celebrating the return of the once lost son. If you want to study Luke 15 in a sound way, skip a meal at Olive Garden and read this book! -casey cariker
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Hole In Our Gospel by Richard Stearns (president of world vision USA)
Have you ever turned the TV channels and thought, "another needy person in a foreign country"? Have you ever watched the commercials and wondered "how many ministries help small children with food, and how do I know if they can be trusted?" Ever found yourself arguing over "where you will eat out again tonight" while rarely spending time thinking of ways to help the less fortunate? Most of us, whether we would like to publicly acknowledge or not, have had these same thoughts. We can go through many weeks and months of our busy lives and think little about those who are least, lonely, and lost. Richard Stearns, the president of World Vision since June 1998 writes, The Hole In Our Gospel, to make us wrestle with the tension of millions of starving children, thousands of villages without clothing, tons of communities/small countries without clean water, all the while you and I -(if we make over 25K a year) live in the top 5% of richest people in the world.
Over the last few months I have been slowly reading this book. One of the reasons I have been taking my time is too responsibly digest the hard truths and challenges from the author. Secondly, too ask God where I can immediately begin to play my part in relieving the injustices of this world.
Using his own life example, Richard Stearns, of being a CEO of the huge fine dining/eating ware company LENOX and then transition to being the President of World Vision. Richard Stearns is extremely transparent about his desire to gain more and more wealth before he left LENOX, his younger years calling to be a vocational missionary and running from that desire, to his willingness to lead an organization that he frankly new nothing about. Probably the most intriguing parts of the book are the hands on experiences and life stories that are told from all across the world. Stearns continues to be honest about his own family's desire to seek after an affluent lifestyle in Seattle to wanting their children who are now young adults to love those who are poor, naked, and hungry.
I'm giving this book a really high mark and recommendation because Stearns refuses to cut corners, let us off the hook with excuses, and yet presents the biblical challenge with grace and truth. If you need to read a book to expose you to the rest of the world, take a few months to read "The Hole In Our Gospel". -casey cariker part of: http://brb.thomasnelson.com/ bloggers
more vbs in action at rejoice church
This week, Andrea and I get the privilege of helping lead the Early Childhood Rec games at VBS. With hundreds of kids and tons of workers, VBS at Rejoice Church is a huge success. So far the timeless truth or big ideas have been: God is always with us, God is the Most powerful, and God keeps His promises. Come see us tonight at 6pm to join in on the fun! -Casey Cariker
Monday, July 20, 2009
Rejoice Vacation Bible School continues tonight thru Thursday...
Tonight, VBS continues at Rejoice Church. Beginning last night through much of the week there will be hundreds of great toddlers, and kids learning more about Jesus and the good news of the gospel. This video reminded me of the energy that kids have every day! When was the last time you skated like this?
Saturday, July 18, 2009
this is the truth
Last Sunday, we played a similar video like this one during the middle of my sermon. Many of you have asked to be able to see and watch it again. For those of you who missed it, take some time to watch and listen. God is helping us learn "Truth" from 1 John this summer. Keep reading 1 John! -casey c
Friday, July 10, 2009
our friend max from tajikistan
A few days ago, we posted Alex' testimony...now here is Max's testimony:
Chesnov Maxim (Testimony for the US) My name is Maxim, I’m 22; I live in the city of Dushanbe, Tajikistan. I will share my testimony. From the time I was a little boy, I have lived without parents. I have not seen my father since I was born. My mom and I lived with her husband (my first stepfather) who at first was a good father and husband. But he began to drink all the time. He would come home drunk and beat my mom endlessly. Sometimes he beat me. It continued until it was almost every day. At that time, I was nearly two years old.
Mom and I began living in different houses, rented apartments and with friends. At times we simply lived on the streets. This continued until Mom met one more man. He was the son of leprous parents; His parents lived in a leprosy colony. Since he lived with his parents, we had to move into a leprosy colony ,too.
But her trouble continued. Because he was a drug addict, after a while my mom began to be on drugs too. We lived there four years. After 4 years of living this life in the leprosy colony, we again returned to the city of Dushanbe. I was 6 years old.
In the city mom began to meet friends – drug addicts and to accept drugs. It continued until mom was put in prison for 5 years. I was left absolutely alone without anyone or anything
Around 8 years old, I began to live in cellars or on roofs when it was necessary. I began to beg, steal, and earn money for a piece of bread . Polishing shoes was my first job. In a week I earned $1.50.
Then I began to wash cars. It was necessary to fight for a place to work. Because other children had parents who did not work, either. Then it worked out that I could work at a stable and groom horses. I worked there one month. All this time I was living on the streets.
After enduring all this, I decided to go back to leprosy colony to my stepfather and to ask him if I could live with him for a while. He agreed.
There was a small garden with fruits and vegetables. I looked after it (watered, and planted). One week prior to my arrival some foreigners from an organization brought help. They gave us sugar, flour and other goods.
My stepfather had collected a bag with products for my mom. He sent me to a church of evangelical Baptist Christians in Dushanbe. They had contacts who took things to prison. I took the items to the Baptist church. It was Sunday morning. There I met the person who was responsible for the prison services. Before he took the items for my mom, he asked me, “where do you live, and where are your parents?” Having learned about my life, he suggested that I live in «the Children's Rehabilitation Center» at the Baptist church. I agreed. At the age of 13, I began to live in «the Children's Center».
At 13 years old, I had never been to school. The church helped me, by placing me in school. I was accepted at once into the second grade. The Program normally takes 11 years. I finished in 6 years.
In 1998 I began visiting the Church and I accepted Jesus into my heart. I have understood that only He can change my life. In 2002, I was baptized. I try to serve the Lord in every way that I can. I sing in the choir and I help with youth services.
The Lord has blessed me with a family. On July 13th, 2008, I got married. My wife and I now wait for the birth of our first child. We live with her parents in one court yard. I have constructed a small room at the end of the court yard.
Now I am studying economics management at the university. I am very grateful to the Lord that he has protected me all my life. Now I understand it. The work which the HANNA PROJECT is doing renovating and expanding the children's center at the Baptist Church is very important. With this expansion, it will be possible to lodge even more children who do not have anyone or anything. These children today are on the streets. They die of hunger and cold, without ever having learned about
God’s Divine love. Today each of us can help them. Everyone can offer a helping hand. Just like it was done for me during the most difficult moments of my life when it seemed that there was no hope of a life. I told myself that it was the end. Then Jesus reached out his hand to me to help me and told me to lift up my eyes and hands to the sky, because it is only the beginning, the beginning of a life which I give you!!!
Today thanks to Jesus who has helped me through kind people, such as you. And by your prayers, I can stand on this place and testify to you of this life. Alleluia!!!!!Thank God!!!!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
My son, Candry and prayer
I love praying with my family-I love praying with my kids. Last night, God just blew me away by impressing these words upon my 4 year old son Candry, he prayed:
Dear Jesus we thank you that you have power over DEATH, that you are THE LIFE, that you suffered, died and rose again for us. The wine reminds us of your blood and the bread reminds us of your body, because of you we can live in heaven...Jesus come back for us, come quickly jesus, come quickly!
When was the last time you stopped to pray with your family? Never underestimate the power of God in prayer and the ability of your children, kids, or family to pray God sized prayers! -casey c.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
alex from tajikistan
My name is Alex. I’m 24. I was born and grew up in a normal Tajikistan family without a father. I don’t know anything about my father, who he is, where he is from or where he is. I have never known the love of a father. There were three people in our family, my mom, my brother and myself. My mother raised us alone.
Because of that it was difficult for my mother to raise us. She sent me to a special school where I could study and live at the same place. From 1990 till 1992 there was a civil war in Tajikistan. Though the war has ended the situation in the country is not good. This time was especially difficult not only for my family but also for most people in the country. During this time our family was hungry often. There were times when I went three days with nothing to eat, lying in a bed and hoping for a miracle.
At this time, no one in our family believed in God, but I remember well when my mom without losing hope knelt and prayed a prayer “Our Father”. My brother could not endure this and he began to steal. After stealing from a shop my brother was arrested by the police and he was sent to prison for 6 years.
Approximately 6 months after that, my mom became seriously ill. She was treated at home because we had no money to take her to the hospital. . I saw how my mom became worse and worse everyday. It hurt me that I could not help my mother. After some months she died. The Hospital took my mother and I never saw her again. I was 13 years old and I remained absolutely alone.
My brother was still in prison at this time. Thank God that at the time I still went to school, so I had a place to live. Before leaving school my brother was released from prison and had become a Christian because there were missionaries from our church who went to the prisons to share the Bible. When the school year was over I had no place to go. My brother told me about God and about church and that at church there was a rehabilitation centre.
I remember the first time when I went to Sunday service and heard the Word of God for the first time. It touched my heart and I confessed. It was on August, 5th, 2001, this was also my birthday. And this day I celebrate my second birth. In 2003 I was baptized. I began to participate in various church services, sang in teenage chorus, then in youth and in adult choir on Sunday services. At present I sing in the youth choir and I am in a sports ministry with children.
In my life there was another tragedy. Last year my brother died from kidney failure. He was 28 years old. He was my last relative and he was for me like father and mother. It was one more huge loss in my life, but God has allowed me strength to live for Him and to serve Him. And I know precisely that my brother is now with God. I am grateful to God that He has led me to Himself. Since that first day I was introduced to God I have never regretted that I am a Christian.
At church there is a rehabilitation center for children who need help. Looking at them I remember myself when I was the same small child. When we lived in the rehabilitation centre our church helped us.
I wish to express gratitude to The Hanna Project and to you for helping us renovate our present rehabilitation centre which is in total ruins. When completed, it will house 35 kids, taking them off the streets and giving them a chance like I was given.
Recently I personally had the opportunity to work with a team from The Hanna Project on the center. For all of us it was a big blessing, especially for children who will live there. I saw happy faces on our children. After the building is completed the children can live, study in good conditions and serve our Lord. God bless you! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my story with you.
Monday, July 6, 2009
friends of rejoice from tajikistan
Do you have any friends who live overseas? Do you have any friends who live in "hard to reach places"? This past week, Rejoice Church got to meet some new friends who live in Tajikistan! Quick, tell me where Tajikistan is located? That's right in Central Asia, next to Afghanistan, Uzebekistan, etc... Alex and Max were introduced to the Rejoice Church family by Mike Cousineau, the director of the Hanna Project. Alex and Max became friends whey they were 15 and 13 yrs of age, respectively. They both grew up in homes that were absent of fathers, most of their lives were lived without a mother in the home and much of their lives were lived without a home. Alex and Max met at a rehab center/orphanage in Tajikistan and it is there where they both heard about Jesus for the very first time. It's especially difficult to be a Christ follower in Tajikistan because it is 92% Muslim. Over the last 8 years or more they have fell in love with Jesus and are currently helping the rehab center/orphanage that made such an impact on them. Rejoice Church and the student ministry had the privilege of hearing their stories last Wed. night...keep reading in the coming days because I will post their testimonies! While you are at it, pray that God will give you a heart for the nations and a friend who lives in "hard to reach places!" --casey cariker
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
time at the speed of a bullet
Ever wished time would slow down? Feel like the days are faster than a speeding bullet? Recently, comedian and blogger Lanny Donoho posted some new "bullet art"... Enjoy! -casey c.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
happy father's day...a gift from a pastor to dad's
Happy Father's Day! Did you have a good one? I had a great time hanging with my family and some friends on both Saturday and Sunday! Tonight, I got the chance to spend time with my Father, and for that I am so thankful! I thankful that my Father has given me an opportunity to know my perfect Heavenly Father...I'm also thankful that my Heavenly Father who knows all things before we do, by his grace, has given me my earthly father. Here is a free gift from Pastor Mark Driscoll in Seattle, an online book about fathering-be careful, it's challenging: http://relit.org/pastordad/toc.php -casey cariker
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
dream big dreams/do hard things
Several months ago, I ran across this story because of a book by two home schooled teenagers, called Do Hard Things. This young man, at the age of 16 bought a small boat and spend over a year preparing the boat to sail. Then he spent six months preparing to be the youngest person to sail across the world. What an amazing story. Recently ESPN wrote about his recent life venture, you can the article here: http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=4234309 This story started making me thing again about God's dream for our lives! I wonder if we have small hearts toward God because we have small dreams for God? What could God be asking you to do for Him? What if it meant you had to move? What if it meant you had to give away all your savings? Go to a different school or college? Change careers? Become friends with new people? Would you dare to dream again? Would you risk it? God's dream for your life may lead to hard things, but it always produces eternal things! -casey c.
Monday, June 15, 2009
arms of compassion and endeavor games
A friend of mine, John Hewitt, runs a ministry called Arms of Compassion. Arms of Compassion exists to help people and cities who go through major crisis or catastrophes. They also help under resourced communities and schools. But one of the greatest things about John is his family and their children. You can watch this latest news channel highlight John's daughter Hanna...you can also go to their blog at www.hannah-can.blogspot.com Way to go Hannah!!!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Love Him by Living for Him
Recently, author Kevin DeYoung (co-author of "Why We Are Not Emergent By Two Guys Who Should Be") recently wrote the following on a blog:
There are a lot of popular versions of Jesus in culture. There’s a Republican Jesus who’s for free-market economics. There’s a Democrat Jesus against Wall Street and Wal-Mart. There’s a therapist Jesus who helps us cope with life’s problems. There’s a Starbucks Jesus who loves fair trade coffee and Apple computers. There’s a touchdown Jesus who helps Christians run faster and jump higher. There’s the martyr Jesus who died so that we could feel sorry for him. There’s nice guy Jesus. There’s spirituality Jesus. There’s good example Jesus.
And then there’s Jesus of Nazareth.
Jesus asks, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter says, “You are the Christ of God.”
Most people have a shrunken, domesticated Christ who is safe, easy and manageable instead of the real Christ. The closer you get to him the more you love him and the more you fear him. God is calling you to stop playing games and to stop making excuses and to open your eyes to see Jesus as the Christ. He is more glorious and loving and gracious and powerful and more wonderfully terrifying that any of us can ever imagine.
May we consider these thoughts as we study 1 John this summer! -casey c.
Brandon Grissom Band this Sunday at Rejoice South 9:30/11 am
This Sunday, June 14th as we host our special guests, The Brandon Grissom Band, and continue our study of: Truth.Love.Life. -an insider's look at I John.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
1 John Challenge
Have you taken the 1 John Challenge? This past Sunday, both Rejoice campuses took up the challenge of reading one chapter a day, Monday-Friday, of 1 John. This means that hundreds of our Rejoice family could read I John 10-12 times this summer. We will begin to learn why truth is important, who Jesus is, how we show we love Jesus, how we respond to people who don't believe in Jesus and many more important truths. This Sunday, we will be looking at the rest of Chapter one and the beginning of chapter 2 in week 2 of Truth. Love. Life. - an insider's guide to I John. You can go to www.rejoicechurch.com and on the bottom right you will find an interactive reading of I John. -Casey C.
Friday, June 5, 2009
81 years of marriage...what's the secret?
Recently, several media outlets highlighted this couple for setting a UK record for being married for 81 years! How incredible! Make sure to watch this and here their secret at the end of the interview.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Discipline-the big "D" word
Recently, I got the opportunity to blog at a new website for pastors at www.pastorconnections.com
Growing up, I knew to stay away from many words. There were 3 letter words and four letter words that I was never allowed to say. There were some five letter words that were to never be said in public but could be talked about in private. Some six letter words were only to be mentioned with certain people in the room. But as a teenager the infamous 10 letter word was the word that no one liked to hear but everyone knew it was a word that was necessary. This word would affect your priorities, your success as a leader, your character, your friends, the information you learned, the places you went, the health of your body, your skills and talents, spiritual gifts, and many times the longevity of your life and ministry. The 10 letter word: DISCIPLINE And as I grew older through my teens years and into adulthood it seemed the more I had-DISCIPLINE, the less I was DISCIPLINED! (Which was always a good thing.) How disciplined are you? Here is what I'm learning which is probably obvious to all: Discipline takes focus, energy, and planning and is difficult, painful, and many times boring. However, the fruit of discipline is preparation, influence, and impact. Undiscipline comes natural, takes no planning, and is really easy to have, and sometimes is fun. Yet, the consequence of undiscipline is laziness, small thinking, little influence, and a hectic life. Discipline helps lead us toward producing "fruit of the Spirit". Think about it: It takes discipline to speak kindly toward an person who has been unkind-that is LOVE. It takes discipline to not allow your circumstances to dictate your happiness-JOY. It takes discipline to wait on something or someone-PATIENCE. It takes discipline to stick around and finish something-FAITHFULNESS. It takes discipline to not indulge or to hold back, or show restraint-SELF-CONTROL. So what area do you show the most amount of discipline in? Caring for people, studying God's Word, finishing a project, being in the office, returning phone calls and emails, loving people, witnessing to those who are far from God? Where do you show the least amount of discipline? Scheduling ahead of time, leading your family, exercising, being home on time, encouraging your co-workers, visiting the widows and caring for the orphans? This week, ask God to give you discipine in the areas in which you are weak, and thank God for giving you discipline in the areas in which you are strong! -Casey Cariker
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
beginning this weekend: Truth. Love. Life. -an insider's look at I John
This Sunday, June 7th we will beginning our summer series called: Truth. Love. Life. -An insider's look at I John. Are you reading to immerse yourself in the book of I John this summer? This Sunday we will be giving a summer challenge to each one of you. Make sure to bring your Bible, and remember that no matter where you go this summer, I John will be the book of the Bible to study!
-casey c.
Monday, June 1, 2009
pay it forward/LaBass family
Saturday, May 30, 2009
end of marriage series / anniversary trip
Last Sunday, we finished up our sermon series at Rejoice South called: Marriage Mirage. The subject of week 3 was: Perseverance-How to make our marriages last! For those of you who were challenged by the series thanks for being there. It was challenging for me to prepare and preach and remember that the most important thing is how I treat my wife not how I preach! So this weekend, I got the opportunity to take Andrea away for a few days to celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary. Which includes enjoying this award winning breakfast that you see in the above pic! When was the last time you and your spouse went on a trip? Without the kids? Take a few moments to look at your calendar and plan one immediately! *Pray for Brad LaBass, our Pastor of Student Ministries as he prepares to preach/teach a great sermon at the south campus this Sunday, May 31st. -casey cariker
horst family,
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
anybody ever told you-"You're a whiz, kid!"
Every Wednesday night, during the school year, tons of 1st-5th graders from both Rejoice Church campuses join together to learn, have fun, and develop a biblical worldview. This program developed by our Rejoice Church kids staff is called 7 Wonders. Each month, they have a specific "biblical truth" or wonder they learn about. There are tons of kids that enjoy this event every Wed. night. At the end of the school year, many students receive the "Whiz Kid" award for completing 23 lessons and memory verses throughout the school year. This is Rejoice's 4th year in providing the "7 Wonders" program. The 2008-2009 school year was a record setting year for Rejoice Kids with 20 Whiz Kids! Congrats to each of you. I know your family is pleased and so is Rejoice Church!
Above is the picture of the Whiz Kids. Here are the kids' names:
front: Olivia Davis, Aaron Pittser, Averie Hopper, Clint Hurst
middle: Cade Ogden, Zac Robbins, Korry Burr, Renee Moran, Nathan Hardee, Clayton Hurst
back: Roc Robbins, Riley Hopper, Brynn Jones, Rachel Hastings, Kimberly Kaase, Avery Jones
not pictured: Dax Ogden, Elizabeth Stapleton, Emily Stapleton, James Stapleton -casey cariker
Monday, May 25, 2009
a little fun on memorial day
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I hope you had a great memorial day! The weather was fantastic! Did you get to do anything fun? Sit back and enjoy this amazing video.
I hope you had a great memorial day! The weather was fantastic! Did you get to do anything fun? Sit back and enjoy this amazing video.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
wedding pics needed for this weekend
Have a wedding pic? Do you have any recent pics of you and your spouse? Rejoice South is collecting wedding pics, past and present, for our next Sunday service on May 24th. We would love to have a few pics of you and your spouse for a special music video, that Jeremy Alexander will be preparing. Send your pics to Jeremy at jalexander@rejoicechurch.com , by Wed. May 20th at Noon. -Casey C.
marriage on the rock/rejoice couples renew vows
This past weekend, 3 couples from Rejoice Church gathered to renew their wedding vows. Going from left to right, Tim and Renee McDonald, Jewel and Dana Hardee, and Tom and Jean Pryor. These three couples met together to remember the vows they had taken many years ago. This was a great evening and example for them and their children. What a beautiful thing to remind yourself and your spouse, about the covenant that you have made to God and each other! Strong phrases/vows like: We will love each other as Christ loved the church, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part! Have you ever made a commitment/covenant like this? Do you remember what it was like to commit, by God's grace, to these things? When was the last time you looked at the wedding album to remind yourself of the love you have for your spouse? I appreciate this "home group" being great examples for all of us to follow. Way to go to the McDonald's, Hardees', and Pryor's! -casey c.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Marriage 25yrs later
Jean and I celebrated 25 years this past September. I know, you must be thinking I married her when she was 10....LOL. Anyway, if you had told me back then we would be where we are now from a relationship standpoint, i'm not sure I would have believed you, or even cared. Back then my parents thought we were too young to get married and it would end in divorce. Jean's family history would put us divorced within 10 years. But we beat the predictions, something in us changed and that something was God. We weren't saved when we got married, but 4 years later, when we were still trying to find our way in this big world, God found us. He called us to him and we answered that call together. And the rest, as they say is history.
It's not all been easy, it's not been without sacrifice and even some heartache. But I don't know that I would change it for the world. With Jesus Christ as the center of our family, and children as additions and not taking over the center - our life has been rich. Not with $$, but with the joy of relationship with each other and with the Lord.
25 years ago, I thought marriage was just what you did - and maybe would do several times in life.... today, I can't imagine doing life without my love, my partner in ministry, the person that completes me - as we together serve the God who loves us even more than we love each other - it's amazing.
It's not all been easy, it's not been without sacrifice and even some heartache. But I don't know that I would change it for the world. With Jesus Christ as the center of our family, and children as additions and not taking over the center - our life has been rich. Not with $$, but with the joy of relationship with each other and with the Lord.
25 years ago, I thought marriage was just what you did - and maybe would do several times in life.... today, I can't imagine doing life without my love, my partner in ministry, the person that completes me - as we together serve the God who loves us even more than we love each other - it's amazing.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
neighbors in need/you responded so well!
Two weeks ago, we ended our "One Month to Live" series by taking the challenge to give generously to our neighbors and go boldly to the nations! Our church family has responded to the first challenge immediately. Over the last two weeks, we have launched the "Neighbors in Need" ministry (thanks Tiffany Bell and others), and there were over 125 grocery bags full of food collected last Sunday for people in our communities. The good news is that this is not the first time Rejoice Church has helped our neighbors in need. People like Mark Ledbetter, Brad Bickerstaff, Julia Horstman, Judy Horst, and many others have assisted with our local "Standing in the Gap". Our north campus for many years has been assisting people in their time of need with food and resources. Owasso Community Resources and the Pregnancy Resource Center of Owasso has also been something we have stood by for several years. Now, you (we) have done it again. We are expanding our capacity to show love to those in need through providing canned goods and non-perishables on a weekly basis to our neighbors, from the south campus. This picture is just a small glance of the generosity that you have shown. Also, our Rejoice Church Kids ministry has been doing a clothing drive for those who are in need in OKC due to the recent fires throughout the area. Then Sunday, our student ministry continues their relationship with many people downtown as they provide monthly support to those who are homeless. Why do we do all of these things? Because we are loved by God and we desire to show and share the love of God to those who are in need of His help. -More info. to come... - casey c.
body of Christ,
Thursday, May 7, 2009
even more God moments over the first 100 Days
We got to encourage nearly 150 people that there is still hope even during tough economic times. Thanks to www.townhallforhope.com and the live video simulcast of Dave Ramsey, we were all encouraged to stay focused on our stewardship and place our hope in Christ.
We have launched seven new weekly bible studies and many of them are connecting new adults through regular bible teaching and prayer.
We have 6-10 people who meet every Sunday morning to pray for both campuses and for God's Spirit to be evident during our services and in our lives.
We now have several families considering permanently adopting a child for the first time or going through the adoption process again!
Many people have lost their jobs over the last few months but God has already provided new jobs for a lpt of them.
Our student ministry has been regularly helping the homeless in downtown Tulsa. Each month there are 30-50 students who show the love of Christ to people in need, and without a permanent home.
Last week we launched a brand new benevolence/food pantry ministry called "Neighbors in Need". Both campuses will be regularly involved in this ministry for our community. Last Sunday we had over 250 grocery bags picked up to be filled with groceries for those in need.
Keep Rejoicing-another 100 Days to come! -Casey C.
100 Days,
life change
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
first 100 Days at Rejoice South pt 2
We have see over 40 more people serve for the first time in a local church ministry.
We have had more than 25 different families bring a first time guest to church. (2 different families have brought more than 8 families each)
We have seen 20 families give for the first time to the kingdom through Rejoice Church.
We have seen several families receive the joy/blessing of a newborn child.
We have almost 20 families dedicated themselves and their children to the Lord. (including this Sunday at Mother's Day!)
How has God worked in your life over the last 100 days? What has God been teaching you? In what ways are you learning to trust God in greater ways? -casey
Monday, May 4, 2009
first 100 Days at Rejoice South
Recently, there has been a lot of media news concerning our President's and his cabinet, in their first 100 Days in office. When you study the history of our Presidents' you find that the first 100 Days is significant in the tenure of their leadership. Just a few weeks ago, Rejoice Church South Campus passed its (our) first 100 days. This week we will be spending time reflecting and thanking God for all that He has done and is doing amongst us.
Today's top 5:
We have seen several people give their lives to Christ! It's been amazing seeing kids, students, and adults all have their hearts changed by the grace of God.
We have seen over 100 new people-first time guests-visit our church in the first 100 days.
Almost half (50%) of the people who of our first time guests have not regularly attended a church in the last 5-10 years.
We have seen many people recommit their life and family to Christ and follow Him in more intentional ways.
We have had several marriages that have been changed and/or saved.
What have you seen God do? How is God using Rejoice Church and the south campus to impact your life? Who has God brought into your life to disciple over the next 100 days? -Casey C.
100 Days,
life change,
south campus
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