We got to encourage nearly 150 people that there is still hope even during tough economic times. Thanks to www.townhallforhope.com and the live video simulcast of Dave Ramsey, we were all encouraged to stay focused on our stewardship and place our hope in Christ.
We have launched seven new weekly bible studies and many of them are connecting new adults through regular bible teaching and prayer.
We have 6-10 people who meet every Sunday morning to pray for both campuses and for God's Spirit to be evident during our services and in our lives.
We now have several families considering permanently adopting a child for the first time or going through the adoption process again!
Many people have lost their jobs over the last few months but God has already provided new jobs for a lpt of them.
Our student ministry has been regularly helping the homeless in downtown Tulsa. Each month there are 30-50 students who show the love of Christ to people in need, and without a permanent home.
Last week we launched a brand new benevolence/food pantry ministry called "Neighbors in Need". Both campuses will be regularly involved in this ministry for our community. Last Sunday we had over 250 grocery bags picked up to be filled with groceries for those in need.
Keep Rejoicing-another 100 Days to come! -Casey C.
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