Welcome to spring break - for some of us that just means a higher food bill because the kids, and sometimes us are at home and eating like crazy. Which makes me thing of St. Patricks day, a day reserved in most of the world for crazy green things, drinking and general making merry and feasting.
What makes this odd is the history around St. Patrick is not about the crazy behavior we see today, but about a young boy, taken into slavery, who then escapes. But then finds himself yearning to lead his captors to a Christian way of life. To introduce them to the one that helped him outlast their cruelty.
If left to my own thoughts, I want revenge on those that persecute me. But when God lives within you, you have the ability, and I might even say the mandate to love those that persecute you.
In our little part of the world in Owasso, we don't find much persecution. Yet we are still called to love. Avoid the green beer today and reach out and love someone with the love of Christ. It's a better way to honor St. Patrick and you'll feel better in the morning.
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