We have a couple popular sayings that we use in the Student Ministry of Rejoice. One saying we like to use is when students are whining about things. Maybe on a missions trip in Chicago when we are sealing a roof in 100 degree weather or during a tough service project, or when its 25 degrees and we are handing out food and water to the homeless, we like to remind students that
"it's not about you". In the times that we are living in, the media wants us to think that it IS all about US. Take care of ourselves and let everyone else worry about themselves. The teachings and life of Jesus is the complete opposite. He teaches us to care for others before ourselves. To feed the less fortunate to take care of the orphans and widows. It is a daily battle to put others before yourself. We strive to remind our students that we need or have to have this mentality. Is it easy? Not even close, but this is what Jesus means that we have to deny ourselves daily. We have to look for ways to care for others and to put others first. This means going completely against the norms of society.
Another saying that we use is
"you are never more like Jesus than when you SERVE." All throughout scripture, you see clear examples of Jesus' servant hood. It's easy to say, "Yeah, well that is Jesus, that is what he was supposed to do", but that is exactly what we are ALL called to do. SERVE!! It is also probably one of the hardest things to do in life. Serving others.
One amazing group of servants that I want to highlight are the awesome servants in the student ministry. We have around 50 volunteers that serve in the student ministry. From leading a small group, to teaching a Sunday school class, to giving up a week of their life to serve at church camp, we have the greatest group of volunteers in the world. Of course I am biased and I am not taking anything away from the others volunteers of Rejoice, but we couldn't do what we do each week in the student ministry without our amazing servants. From the bottom of my heart I want to say THANK YOU for being like Jesus.
I also want to encourage you to find your place at Rejoice. Find somewhere to serve. Whether it is in the ECM, RCKids, the student ministry, hospitality, greeters or just through prayer, find a place to serve. Take the responsibility of realizing that it is not about you and remember you are NEVER more like Jesus than when you serve.
Thank you to all who SERVE at Rejoice!!!
Brad LaBass
Pastor of Student Ministries