Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Make a Joyful Noise to the Lord

    Psalm 98:4 says, "Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth: make a Loud noise." 
Think about that.  God is inviting us to worship him whole heartedly with singing, praise, music, and our lives.  Does he need us to really make a LOUD noise to Him? No, not really, but He delights in the fact that we are singing before Him.  He anxiously awaits our praise to Him.  Our praise is pleasing to His ears.  He is blessed by it.  
    As we approach the launching date of January 4th, for the South Campus, I want to take the time to invite you to take part in this opportunity to help worship the Lord with a LOUD and joyful noise, in our corporate worship experience.  If you would like to be a part of the worship band, I would love to sit down and talk with you and get you plugged in.  You don't want to miss out on this!  This is part of Rejoice history!  Please feel free to email or call me so that we can talk about being part of the worship experience at Rejoice South.  So the next time you are driving in your car, sitting in your office at work, or just enjoying life, remember that we serve a God who loves to hear us sing, and sing LOUD!
phone: 918-272-5291

Monday, October 27, 2008


Was it just me, or did Ryan say we don't need "junk in our trunk" while telling us we need to put candy in our trunk? Doesn't it take a lot of candy to get junk in your trunk......can you say that in church?

See you all Friday night at the South Campus - 6pm

Be there


Monday, October 20, 2008

11 Weeks and counting

11 weeks.. 11 weeks.. 11 weeks

If the launch of Rejoice South is only 11 weeks away, then Christmas is only 9 weeks away - YIKES - that may be more scary than the thought of the new campus to some of you.

In between your Christmas shopping, We want to invite you to participate in one or more of the opportunties coming our way at the south campus in the next few months -

Friday October 31 - is our annual trunk or treat and this year it will be held at the South Campus - we need candy and trunks, so lets step up, step in and serve at this first major event on the South Campus - if your interested in helping

contact ...Ryan Golightly at

if you can't do the trunk thing, did I mention we need candy, lots of candy, so bring a several bags of candy and just be there. We will be handing out flyers about the launch to everyone who comes and serviing the community.

Saturday November 8th - Campus Work day 9am-noon at the south campus - general clean up and such to get ready for Rejoice Sunday - Lunch will be provided for those who can help get the campus ready...if you can come

contact ...Casey Cariker at

Sunday November 9th - Launch Team Lunch - Pizza Lunch in the cafe on the NORTH Campus after the 945 service, If you are one of the launch families, we want to see you there. (please rsvp by comment to this post so we can get enough Pizza) Everyone should bring a dessert to share and will talk about the launch and get to know each other better. Kids welcome...

Wednesday November 12th - Prayer Launch - join us from 7:15pm to 7:45pm for prayer for the campus, the people, and the community. Meet at the SOUTH campus in the main lobby.

Sunday November 16 - Rejoice Sunday, one service, one place - 10am at the South Campus - this is the big celebration for what God has done, is doing, and will do through Rejoice.

The excitement is building - my question to you is simple, where will you serve?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008

Why another campus just 3 miles away?

Some people ask me throughout the community "Why would Rejoice Church do another campus just 3 miles away?" An easy response could be, Why not? or "To reach more people" or "Do you have any friends or family who do not know Christ?" and that sometimes tells them why...but today I would like to explain it in another way by comparing it to other types of organizations.

Let's say that you worked in the hospital industry and you were involved in strategy planning or building new hospitals in growing areas in the Oklahoma. Suddenly while you were doing your study one of the fastest growing areas in Oklahoma showed you that there were over 100,000 people in the "green country area" who had to drive over 25 minutes to get solid healthcare, or for doctor's visits. If you were willing to expand you could meet that need. Would you do it? Well, recently two major hospitals in Owasso already did just that. Let's say that even after building that hospital you discovered that your rooms are full, doctors are booked, and that even you emergenices rooms were maxed out (Owasso's are not yet thankfully! I know this by experience now.). Then suddenly another building became available in which you could provide the same patient care and services that you provide currently but you could expand for 25% of the cost to expand on your current campus. Would you do it?

Or for example...

Let's say that you worked in the education field and you knew that a community was providing solid education, but the hallways were way too crowded, the classrooms were full, the teacher/student ratio was too high and there were still thousands of students that needed a solid education. Would you provide it? At the same time, people argued that there are already good schools in the area, but you knew that the demand was still there, families were still looking, and children still needed to be education. At the same time, what if another building became available and it would cost the taxpapers a minimal fee compared to the other option, and you knew that you could still provide great education. Then suddenly, when the word got out you had conversations with 20 or more teachers who wanted to be a part of a new project, who wanted to teach in another environment, yet still wanted to be under the direction of the overall school system! Would you provide it?

Or for example...

What if you owned your own business. Let's say you had a certain product that was growing at a strong rate, and the demand was continuing to grow even as your business grew. As you surveyed your business, even though times were tough, you realized that the supply needed to be expanded since the demand was still there. Recently you did a financial survey and the times were tough, but everytime you tried to expand on your current business property there were "walls" that blocked your expansion. Maybe the city wouldn't allow it, maybe the cost was too significant, maybe the key leaders weren't mentally understanding...then suddenly over about a 15 month period, another business building opened up, and it provided the square footage that you needed for a fourth of the cost. After praying about it for a long time, some of your own staff said they would be willing to take on the extra work if it meant that the product would impact more people. Even thought you told them it would be tough, they still offered to put in the extra time and to work differently in order to make it happen. Would you risk it? What if your business even had a group of volunteers and those volunteers who work so diligently and for free then came to you in large groups and said they were willing to work the assembly line in order for the product and the business to impact more people! Would you risk it?

Many of these same scenarios have happened at Rejoice Church. In many of our ministry areas we have hit a growth lid due to spaces and people. In much of our planning we hit "walls" that we could not control. As we looked at other options the cost was way more than we wanted to spend while remaining good stewards. Even our best plans were not quite good enough. Then God gave Rejoice Ministries and opportunity to expand with about 30% cost of the other options...Then the Rejoice Church congregation about 400 of them said no matter what we must move forward. Key volunteers have now said they will rise to the occasion like never before. Rejoice Church staff have been willing to work in new ways and involve new people. As of Oct 1st over 50 families have now committed to helping with the launch...and Rejoice Church continues to say, we will provide it, we will risk it, and we will do it! January 4th, 2009 is just around the corner.

If we can go across the world, surely we can go across the street!

Casey Cariker