Saturday, May 30, 2009

end of marriage series / anniversary trip

Last Sunday, we finished up our sermon series at Rejoice South called: Marriage Mirage. The subject of week 3 was: Perseverance-How to make our marriages last! For those of you who were challenged by the series thanks for being there. It was challenging for me to prepare and preach and remember that the most important thing is how I treat my wife not how I preach! So this weekend, I got the opportunity to take Andrea away for a few days to celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary. Which includes enjoying this award winning breakfast that you see in the above pic! When was the last time you and your spouse went on a trip? Without the kids? Take a few moments to look at your calendar and plan one immediately! *Pray for Brad LaBass, our Pastor of Student Ministries as he prepares to preach/teach a great sermon at the south campus this Sunday, May 31st. -casey cariker

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

anybody ever told you-"You're a whiz, kid!"

Every Wednesday night, during the school year, tons of 1st-5th graders from both Rejoice Church campuses join together to learn, have fun, and develop a biblical worldview. This program developed by our Rejoice Church kids staff is called 7 Wonders. Each month, they have a specific "biblical truth" or wonder they learn about. There are tons of kids that enjoy this event every Wed. night. At the end of the school year, many students receive the "Whiz Kid" award for completing 23 lessons and memory verses throughout the school year. This is Rejoice's 4th year in providing the "7 Wonders" program. The 2008-2009 school year was a record setting year for Rejoice Kids with 20 Whiz Kids! Congrats to each of you. I know your family is pleased and so is Rejoice Church!

Above is the picture of the Whiz Kids. Here are the kids' names:

front: Olivia Davis, Aaron Pittser, Averie Hopper, Clint Hurst
middle: Cade Ogden, Zac Robbins, Korry Burr, Renee Moran, Nathan Hardee, Clayton Hurst
back: Roc Robbins, Riley Hopper, Brynn Jones, Rachel Hastings, Kimberly Kaase, Avery Jones
not pictured: Dax Ogden, Elizabeth Stapleton, Emily Stapleton, James Stapleton -casey cariker

Monday, May 25, 2009

a little fun on memorial day

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I hope you had a great memorial day! The weather was fantastic! Did you get to do anything fun? Sit back and enjoy this amazing video.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

wedding pics needed for this weekend

Have a wedding pic? Do you have any recent pics of you and your spouse? Rejoice South is collecting wedding pics, past and present, for our next Sunday service on May 24th. We would love to have a few pics of you and your spouse for a special music video, that Jeremy Alexander will be preparing. Send your pics to Jeremy at , by Wed. May 20th at Noon. -Casey C.

marriage on the rock/rejoice couples renew vows

This past weekend, 3 couples from Rejoice Church gathered to renew their wedding vows. Going from left to right, Tim and Renee McDonald, Jewel and Dana Hardee, and Tom and Jean Pryor. These three couples met together to remember the vows they had taken many years ago. This was a great evening and example for them and their children. What a beautiful thing to remind yourself and your spouse, about the covenant that you have made to God and each other! Strong phrases/vows like: We will love each other as Christ loved the church, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part! Have you ever made a commitment/covenant like this? Do you remember what it was like to commit, by God's grace, to these things? When was the last time you looked at the wedding album to remind yourself of the love you have for your spouse? I appreciate this "home group" being great examples for all of us to follow. Way to go to the McDonald's, Hardees', and Pryor's! -casey c.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Marriage 25yrs later

Jean and I celebrated 25 years this past September. I know, you must be thinking I married her when she was 10....LOL. Anyway, if you had told me back then we would be where we are now from a relationship standpoint, i'm not sure I would have believed you, or even cared. Back then my parents thought we were too young to get married and it would end in divorce. Jean's family history would put us divorced within 10 years. But we beat the predictions, something in us changed and that something was God. We weren't saved when we got married, but 4 years later, when we were still trying to find our way in this big world, God found us. He called us to him and we answered that call together. And the rest, as they say is history.

It's not all been easy, it's not been without sacrifice and even some heartache. But I don't know that I would change it for the world. With Jesus Christ as the center of our family, and children as additions and not taking over the center - our life has been rich. Not with $$, but with the joy of relationship with each other and with the Lord.

25 years ago, I thought marriage was just what you did - and maybe would do several times in life.... today, I can't imagine doing life without my love, my partner in ministry, the person that completes me - as we together serve the God who loves us even more than we love each other - it's amazing.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

neighbors in need/you responded so well!

Two weeks ago, we ended our "One Month to Live" series by taking the challenge to give generously to our neighbors and go boldly to the nations! Our church family has responded to the first challenge immediately. Over the last two weeks, we have launched the "Neighbors in Need" ministry (thanks Tiffany Bell and others), and there were over 125 grocery bags full of food collected last Sunday for people in our communities. The good news is that this is not the first time Rejoice Church has helped our neighbors in need. People like Mark Ledbetter, Brad Bickerstaff, Julia Horstman, Judy Horst, and many others have assisted with our local "Standing in the Gap". Our north campus for many years has been assisting people in their time of need with food and resources. Owasso Community Resources and the Pregnancy Resource Center of Owasso has also been something we have stood by for several years. Now, you (we) have done it again. We are expanding our capacity to show love to those in need through providing canned goods and non-perishables on a weekly basis to our neighbors, from the south campus. This picture is just a small glance of the generosity that you have shown. Also, our Rejoice Church Kids ministry has been doing a clothing drive for those who are in need in OKC due to the recent fires throughout the area. Then Sunday, our student ministry continues their relationship with many people downtown as they provide monthly support to those who are homeless. Why do we do all of these things? Because we are loved by God and we desire to show and share the love of God to those who are in need of His help. -More info. to come... - casey c.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

even more God moments over the first 100 Days

We got to encourage nearly 150 people that there is still hope even during tough economic times. Thanks to and the live video simulcast of Dave Ramsey, we were all encouraged to stay focused on our stewardship and place our hope in Christ.

We have launched seven new weekly bible studies and many of them are connecting new adults through regular bible teaching and prayer.

We have 6-10 people who meet every Sunday morning to pray for both campuses and for God's Spirit to be evident during our services and in our lives.

We now have several families considering permanently adopting a child for the first time or going through the adoption process again!

Many people have lost their jobs over the last few months but God has already provided new jobs for a lpt of them.

Our student ministry has been regularly helping the homeless in downtown Tulsa. Each month there are 30-50 students who show the love of Christ to people in need, and without a permanent home.

Last week we launched a brand new benevolence/food pantry ministry called "Neighbors in Need". Both campuses will be regularly involved in this ministry for our community. Last Sunday we had over 250 grocery bags picked up to be filled with groceries for those in need.

Keep Rejoicing-another 100 Days to come! -Casey C.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

first 100 Days at Rejoice South pt 2

We have see over 40 more people serve for the first time in a local church ministry.

We have had more than 25 different families bring a first time guest to church. (2 different families have brought more than 8 families each)

We have seen 20 families give for the first time to the kingdom through Rejoice Church.

We have seen several families receive the joy/blessing of a newborn child.

We have almost 20 families dedicated themselves and their children to the Lord. (including this Sunday at Mother's Day!)

How has God worked in your life over the last 100 days? What has God been teaching you? In what ways are you learning to trust God in greater ways? -casey

Monday, May 4, 2009

first 100 Days at Rejoice South

Recently, there has been a lot of media news concerning our President's and his cabinet, in their first 100 Days in office. When you study the history of our Presidents' you find that the first 100 Days is significant in the tenure of their leadership. Just a few weeks ago, Rejoice Church South Campus passed its (our) first 100 days. This week we will be spending time reflecting and thanking God for all that He has done and is doing amongst us.
Today's top 5:
We have seen several people give their lives to Christ! It's been amazing seeing kids, students, and adults all have their hearts changed by the grace of God.

We have seen over 100 new people-first time guests-visit our church in the first 100 days.

Almost half (50%) of the people who of our first time guests have not regularly attended a church in the last 5-10 years.

We have seen many people recommit their life and family to Christ and follow Him in more intentional ways.

We have had several marriages that have been changed and/or saved.

What have you seen God do? How is God using Rejoice Church and the south campus to impact your life? Who has God brought into your life to disciple over the next 100 days? -Casey C.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

You're never more like Jesus...

We have a couple popular sayings that we use in the Student Ministry of Rejoice. One saying we like to use is when students are whining about things. Maybe on a missions trip in Chicago when we are sealing a roof in 100 degree weather or during a tough service project, or when its 25 degrees and we are handing out food and water to the homeless, we like to remind students that "it's not about you". In the times that we are living in, the media wants us to think that it IS all about US. Take care of ourselves and let everyone else worry about themselves. The teachings and life of Jesus is the complete opposite. He teaches us to care for others before ourselves. To feed the less fortunate to take care of the orphans and widows. It is a daily battle to put others before yourself. We strive to remind our students that we need or have to have this mentality. Is it easy? Not even close, but this is what Jesus means that we have to deny ourselves daily. We have to look for ways to care for others and to put others first. This means going completely against the norms of society.

Another saying that we use is "you are never more like Jesus than when you SERVE." All throughout scripture, you see clear examples of Jesus' servant hood. It's easy to say, "Yeah, well that is Jesus, that is what he was supposed to do", but that is exactly what we are ALL called to do. SERVE!! It is also probably one of the hardest things to do in life. Serving others.
One amazing group of servants that I want to highlight are the awesome servants in the student ministry. We have around 50 volunteers that serve in the student ministry. From leading a small group, to teaching a Sunday school class, to giving up a week of their life to serve at church camp, we have the greatest group of volunteers in the world. Of course I am biased and I am not taking anything away from the others volunteers of Rejoice, but we couldn't do what we do each week in the student ministry without our amazing servants. From the bottom of my heart I want to say THANK YOU for being like Jesus.

I also want to encourage you to find your place at Rejoice. Find somewhere to serve. Whether it is in the ECM, RCKids, the student ministry, hospitality, greeters or just through prayer, find a place to serve. Take the responsibility of realizing that it is not about you and remember you are NEVER more like Jesus than when you serve.
Thank you to all who SERVE at Rejoice!!!

Brad LaBass
Pastor of Student Ministries