Friday, February 27, 2009

memorable moments

I ran across Dan Heath's blog this week and he writes about a "memorable teaching moment"...A few weeks ago, in his talk at TED, Bill Gates (former lead man at Microsoft) released a jar full of mosquitoes, sending them out to feast on some of the world’s best & brightest blood. “Malaria is spread by mosquitoes,” he said. “I brought some. Here, I’ll let them roam around. There is no reason only poor people should be infected.” He then waited a few minutes before reassuring the crowd that the mosquitoes were malaria-free. A bit mean, maybe, but at least he broke through to people’s emotions.

He also used a nice comparison: “There is more money put into baldness drugs than into malaria,” Gates quipped, triggering laughter. “Now, baldness is a terrible thing and rich men are afflicted. That is why that priority has been set.”

This must have been a memorable teaching moment! Do you have a memorable moment that has been encapsulated into your mind so much that you will never forget? Teachable moments have probably been a major part of each one our lives. Whether it is a coach, a school teacher, a boss, a Sunday School teacher, God brings people in our lives on a regular basis to teach us something new or remind us of something true. Each one of us should think how we could take the truth of God and teach it in a memorable way to those in our circle of influence. -Get it? Remember it. Teach it!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

character and sportmanship trumps winning for one magic night

A few weeks ago the DeKalb, ILL boys' basketball team traveled 2 1/2 hours to Milwaukee to play a regular season basketball game. This rivaled matchup was a close game throughout but behind the scenes life was winning. Just a few hours earlier a member of the home team, senior guard Johntell Franklin, had lost his mother to a fight with cancer. (She was only 39 yrs of age.) J. Franklin had shown up to "watch" the game right before halftime. Later in the game, the grief stricken youngster decided that he wanted to play in his mother's memory. The only problem was that his name was not in the official scorebook because his coach had not expected him to be there. The technical foul was issued on the team even though the DeKalb high school coach had begged the refs to overlook the infraction. That's when Caoch Rohlman asked for volunteers (pictured above), and one of his best player's hand went up. The player from DeKalb went to the free throw line (at the request of his coach) and shot both free throws several feet short of the goal! It didn't take long for the Milwaukee players (Franklin's team) to figure out what was going on. They stood and turned toward the DeKalb bench and started applauding the gesture of character and sportmanship. "I did it for the guy who lost his mom," McNeal (the free throw shooter) told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. "It was the right thing to do!"
Ever been caught between the right thing and the winning thing? Have you ever had to struggle with having character and getting promoted? Doing right or getting a raise? Having integrity or losing opportunity? What would you have done? How can you live with character and do the "right thing" this week? -Casey C.

Friday, February 20, 2009

hanna project/rejoice partnering to take the gospel across the world

Here are some last thoughts as our team from Rejoice returns from their work
with the Hanna Project in Africa....

So that is why we have been here. We've addressed a bunch of medical
needs. We've helped people to see. We've shared a smile and a Bon
Bon (piece of candy). All that for what? To make us feel good? Yes!
To ease pain? Yes! To improve life a little for a short while? Yes!
To show there is more to the human spirit than meets the eye?
Absolutely! As we partnered along side the African pastors and
churches they have served as more than just translators and
communicators, they have loved people. They have had an evangelistic
campaign going out to villages at night during the time we have been
here. Tonight it was reported that during our time in the region they
have seen the Lord work and 189 Africans have made a solid decision to
accept Christ and make Him Lord. It would take days to explain what a
serious step that is here in regard to your life afterward. We
rejoice that doing our part has contributed to this victory for the
Have you considered partnering with the Hanna Project? What about taking some risk and going to "the nations" to tell them the good news of Christ? How could you share the good news with those who are closest to you?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

penn jilette and loving those who are far from God

Penn Jilette, one half of Penn and Teller, are best known for their Las Vegas act half comedy and half illusions. Unfortunately they are also known to have some pretty raunchy humor, but I guess this is to be expected. Penn Jilette also now has one of the fastest growing blogs and websites dedicated to atheism in the United States. Penn loves to spend time talking about other people and their far off views and quacky backgrounds. But on this particular youtube exchange he reminds each one of us who love Christ about the need to share what we believe with those around us. Go to:
Even Penn is stopped in his tracks when someone who says they love Christ actually speaks words of kindness, authenticity, truth and grace to him, after the show. As author Mark Beeson writes: "Penn's story is worth considering. He felt loved. He felt valued. Question is: Do the people I'm around feel loved or judged? Valued or diminished? Helped or wounded? Hopeful or condemned?"

1 Thessalonians 2:8 - We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.

Take some time this week to share TRUTH and show GRACE this week to those around you. You will be suprised to who actually notices!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

dj gregory inspiring the rest of us

DJ Gregory was born with cerebral palsy and the doctors told him that he would never walk! With the help of his parents and the dream he had in his heart, DJ never let the possibility of walking escape his heart. DJ has also earned his master's degree in sport management. His favorite sport is golf and in 2008, DJ decided that he wanted to achieve something that not even the pro golfers do in one year. DJ set out to walk every hole, of every tournament, each and every day. After over 30 tournaments, 4 full days a week, and 900 miles of walking-DJ accomplished his dream! Plus he interviewed a pro golfer at the end of each day. You can read his blog at: When being interviewed with the E:60 Espn story he says, "I am so determined to not let others tell me no, sometimes I want to quit, but I just won't quit!" On Sunday, November 9th, 2008, DJ completed something that no one would have given him a chance to do! DJ has unbelievable courage and perseverance! What is God calling you to have courage in today? What dreams is God asking you to accomplish that no one else thinks is possible.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

God loves to pursue us!

Tonight, I (Casey) just returned from spending some time with my wife at a nearby restaurant and watching a movie. The movie, Taken, starred by Liam Nesson, is about a father who begrudgingly allows his daughter to go on an international trip and while she is there she is kidnapped by two traffickers. The father, Liam N, spends the next 86+ hours doing everything he can to find his daughter. He is pursuing her because he has unconditional love for her. He is willing to do whatever it takes. He will let know one stop him. He is willing to sacrifice everything. He has "skills that will be used to find her at any cost".

So I started thinking, how much stronger is God's love for us? Think about how much God was willing to sacrifice and do, to pursue us? How much greater are God's supernatural abilities/skills than any human?

Max Lucado writes this when talking about this same subject: "No price is too high for a parent to pay to redeem his child. No energy is too great. No effort too demanding. A parent will go to any length to find his of her own. So will God.
Mark it down. God’s greatest creation is not the flung stars or the gorged canyons; it’s his eternal plan to reach his children."

Aren't you glad that His love is this strong? Have you thanked him lately?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

more rejoice families and staff

This is Lee and Christy Horst and their daughter Maci! Lee and Christy will celebrate 22 years of marriage this year. They have one daughter Maci Ellen, along with two dogs, Mattie and Sadie and two cats, Sunshine and Lilly. (Don't forget about their bird named Ringo that "talks"!) Lee has grown up at Rejoice Church all his life and serves the church through the general board and the Hanna Project. Christy has been at Rejoice since 1985 and has been on staff for 9 years. She serves as the graphic designer and building reservation coordinator for both campuses for Rejoice Ministries. In her coordinator position she serves over 3,000 people throughout the week. Lee is a captain at the Tulsa Fire Department and has worked at the Fire Department since he started as a volunteer at the age of 18. Their favorite place to vacation is the south of France, where they got to visit this year! When asked about their favorite thing about Rejoice Church, Christy said, "I've felt like this was my home from the first time I visited." When you get a chance to meet Christy ask her about: "Mrs. McGoo!" Thanks goes to the whole Horst family for being such a vital part of Rejoice!

Monday, February 9, 2009

if you could say anything to God?

If you could say anything to God what would it be? If you had only 30 days to live what would you make sure to say to others? What would you want others to say to you? Leave a comment on the blog and let us hear from you! -Casey C.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

how beautiful are the feet of those who share the good news

"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” -Isaiah 52:7

Each week, both of the Rejoice Church campuses (106th and 86th St.) do a wonderful job teaching the good news of Jesus. Every Sunday over 100 teens and adults spend time with newborn babies to high school students teaching the lifechanging message of Christ. Rejoice Church's desire is to always be a place where people can experience the joy of living in their community and across the world. I'm so thankful for the gospel, but I'm also thankful for those who are teaching our children so they can take the gospel to those who have never heard! Join us a week from tomorrow (Feb. 15th) as we celebrate many families on both campuses dedicating their children and their purposes to the Lord.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

great biblical teaching in the birth-kindergarten ministry

This past Sunday, Rejoice Church South Campus set some new records in our short history! One of the records was the amount of children we had in the birth-kindergarten ministry. All our early childhood classes are growing rapidly and one of the reasons is because of our great leaders and teachers that serve each week! This picture is Zach Parsons (on the left) and my son, Candry Cariker (on the right) enjoying a great moment in their class. Each week, they are reminded of 3 core truths: God made me, God loves me, I will obey God! I'm so thankful for our team at both campuses who consistently teach our children the truth of God from the Bible. Have you ever served in the ECM (birth-kindergarten ministry)? Have you ever had the privilege of teaching babies or kids? Who taught you growing up? If you attend either Rejoice Church campus make sure and tell a leader thanks, this weekend! -casey cariker

Monday, February 2, 2009

rejoice church doing missions in pakistan

Rejoice Church's own, Fran Wood, arrived in Pakistan this week. Many of you have been praying for your as she travels, meets new friends on the other side of the world, and shares the compelling gospel of grace to those who are in need. So far her trip has gone well, the response to the first ever women's conference has been overwhelming and the need is great. Fran is speaking later this week on forgiveness and has now been asked to prepare an extra message for the hundreds of women who will be attending. One of the greatest gifts was receiving two burka's from her new Christian friend in Pakistan. Make sure to take some time to pray for Fran and the rest of the global missions team as they share the joy that can only be found in Christ! - casey c.