Friday, February 20, 2009

hanna project/rejoice partnering to take the gospel across the world

Here are some last thoughts as our team from Rejoice returns from their work
with the Hanna Project in Africa....

So that is why we have been here. We've addressed a bunch of medical
needs. We've helped people to see. We've shared a smile and a Bon
Bon (piece of candy). All that for what? To make us feel good? Yes!
To ease pain? Yes! To improve life a little for a short while? Yes!
To show there is more to the human spirit than meets the eye?
Absolutely! As we partnered along side the African pastors and
churches they have served as more than just translators and
communicators, they have loved people. They have had an evangelistic
campaign going out to villages at night during the time we have been
here. Tonight it was reported that during our time in the region they
have seen the Lord work and 189 Africans have made a solid decision to
accept Christ and make Him Lord. It would take days to explain what a
serious step that is here in regard to your life afterward. We
rejoice that doing our part has contributed to this victory for the
Have you considered partnering with the Hanna Project? What about taking some risk and going to "the nations" to tell them the good news of Christ? How could you share the good news with those who are closest to you?

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