Wednesday, February 18, 2009

penn jilette and loving those who are far from God

Penn Jilette, one half of Penn and Teller, are best known for their Las Vegas act half comedy and half illusions. Unfortunately they are also known to have some pretty raunchy humor, but I guess this is to be expected. Penn Jilette also now has one of the fastest growing blogs and websites dedicated to atheism in the United States. Penn loves to spend time talking about other people and their far off views and quacky backgrounds. But on this particular youtube exchange he reminds each one of us who love Christ about the need to share what we believe with those around us. Go to:
Even Penn is stopped in his tracks when someone who says they love Christ actually speaks words of kindness, authenticity, truth and grace to him, after the show. As author Mark Beeson writes: "Penn's story is worth considering. He felt loved. He felt valued. Question is: Do the people I'm around feel loved or judged? Valued or diminished? Helped or wounded? Hopeful or condemned?"

1 Thessalonians 2:8 - We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.

Take some time this week to share TRUTH and show GRACE this week to those around you. You will be suprised to who actually notices!

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