Friday, April 24, 2009
it's all about the money..or is it?
Last night, Rejoice Church joined over 1 million people across the nation listening to Dave Ramsey talk about HOPE despite the recent recession. About 150 people attended the event at our south campus and over 50% of those people where people I had personally never met! Dave did a good job helping us understand where our nation's economony currently sits, what our history has been over the last 200 years and what we face in the coming days. It was good to hear things like: this is not even the worst recession since the great depression, unemployment is high but it is mainly worse in 5 of our states, there is no need to panic..etc. It was also a great reminder for each of us to be reminded to still work hard, be wise money managers, and don't stop looking for creative ways to impact people and business.
On the other side, the overall theme that I gained from this event was not to put your HOPE in MONEY! We hear and read this priniciple all throughout the New Testament but it is much easier to hear than to apply. The truth is that when times are a little "tighter" it makes us better with what we have. Our hope is in Christ. Our hope is in His work, not ours. Our hope is in His power and grace! I'm thankful that I don't have to depend on my own "skills", knowledge, or ability to have HOPE. Have you noticed yourself placing hope in anything else besides Christ? How have you become a better money manager as of late? How has the recent economy changes made you more aware of the needs of the world?
Don't forget that we are currently providing two "financial 101" classes on Sundays at 9:30 and 11:00 am. See you on Sunday! -Casey C.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
do what you can to be there tonight
Tonight at 7pm, Townhallforhope.com will be video simulcasted at our Rejoice Church South Campus. You need to do everything in your power to make sure to be there-hire a babysitter, talk to your neighbors, call a cousin... We will be joining almost 1 million people across the world as we take a look at how to survive tough financial times, how to regain hope, and how can we budget correctly for the future. Door open at 6:15pm. See you tonight! -Casey C.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
This Past Sunday
Wow! What a worship service last Sunday morning! It was our pleasure to host Kerwin and Vicki Dees at both services to start our series: One Month to Live. Their testimony, stories, and God empowered joy, made the services some of the strongest moments we have ever had at Rejoice South. So many people were challenged, encouraged, and reminded of the grace of God and the life-changing gospel, through the Dees family. Here are a few conversations that I heard just from last Sunday alone:
*I have never been in a church service like that one just now...this will be a moment that I will never forget!
*I have been battling cancer for the last 12 weeks, and this was the first Sunday I was able to come back to church. Their story was exactly what I needed today.
*God really convicted me and spoke to my heart this morning...I really need to get my eyes of my problems and on His grace.
*The only problem with the services on Sunday was that they were too short, I could have listened to the Dees' family talk for another hour.
*I hope God gives me a portion of the grace that He has given to Kerwin and Vicki.
*The Dees family has always been an encouragement to me and they were encouragers again today.
*I can't wait to go to heaven and meet Jesus too!
*God has given both Kerwin and Vicki so much grace.
*Today I left wanting to be more like Christ!
Here are a few other conversations that happened on Sunday:
*This was our first time to be at Rejoice and we are definately coming back.
*I am really starting to feel comfortable here, it seems like I'm really going to be able to get to know people.
*I'm learning a lot at this church.
*We moved here from North Carolina and we enjoy the environment/atmosphere of the people and the hospitality.
*Our kids are learning so much during church...
*Oh, so you have two churches in Owasso? I will be back next Sunday.
What did you think or hear? What did God teach you last Sunday? How is God challenging you to think or act differently?
Are you coming to the townhallforhope on Thursday night? You can let us know by going to www.townhallforhope.com and clicking on attend the event. RSVP is NOT required to attend this Thursday at 7pm but it does help us get a closer feel of how many people are attending! We look forward to seeing you there. -Casey C.
Monday, April 20, 2009
rejoice church is kxoj's church of the week
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Need a little hope during the tough financial times? Looking for some fresh ways to make the money last? Want to get some coaching on how to handle your money? On Thursday, April 23rd at the Rejoice Church South Campus, we will be hosting the www.townhallforhope.com with Dave Ramsey via video simulcast. So whether you want to hear some positive things concerning the economy, basic tools for budgeting, or wisdom for working a financial plan, com to this free event at 7pm. Doors open at 6:15 pm. Read more at Dave Ramsey here:
is it the juice or the package?
In a recent article from the Advertising Age, the orange juice brand Tropicana was highlighted for it's latest sales plummet. So why has the Tropicana Orange Juice sales plummetted by 20% over the last 6 weeks? Was it the taste? Was their a recall? Is Tropicana O.J. too expensive? Actually, according to the company they are blaming their decreased sales on their new "re-branding". Their latest design, by Peter Arnell was released on January 1st, and suddenly in a market with 5% decrease in sales, Tropicana has began to rapidly decline. Immediately its parent company, PepsiCo has decided to "listen to its clients" by jerking the re-branding off the shelves and going back to the well recognized straw-in-orange product cover. Do you think "branding makes a difference"? When you purchase things like meat, milk, or orange juice do you make the purchase based on brand and taste, or price? Do you feel like commercials and branding impact your choices? When was the last time you bought a generic brand of something?
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
new on-campus groups launching this sunday at 9:30 am and 11:00 am
This weekend we launch our first opportunities at the Rejoice Church South Campus for people to build relationships, learn about the Bible, and pray for one another on a regular basis. These groups along with our regular home groups are the simplest way "to share faith and share life" at Rejoice. Take a look at these groups, pick one to participate in this Sunday, and meet some new people. If you have any questions you can contact Dr. Craig Shaw at drshaw@rejoiceschool.com or contact me-Casey Cariker at ccariker@rejoicechurch.com For those who are leading a group/class thanks for your preparation and leadership, you are the backbone of our church!
9:30 am Classes at South Campus
Gospel of John (Ron Hall) - Room 215 Know much about the Gospel of John? Want to learn more about the life of Jesus?
So, You're a Christian! Now What? (Davey & Tammi Ellis) - Room 219
Want a fresh start? What to get a good reminder of the basics?
Book of Romans (Scott & Lisa Zingerman) - Room 210
Want to be challenged by the depth and richness of one of the most read books in the Bible?
Money Management 101 (Robert Johnson) - Room 216 **4 weeks only
Looking to freshen up on some budgeting principles? Want to organize the pocketbook a little?
11:00 am Classes
Clear Curriculum (Adam & Jennifer Blehm) - Room 219 *Clear and thorough biblical study each week.
Topics for Christian Growth (James & Amy Parsons) - Room 215
Want to discuss Biblical ideas that will force you to think?
Money Management 101 (Amos Berry) - Room 216 **4 weeks only
Same as the 9:30 class just a different leader and held after the 9:30 service!
Monday, April 13, 2009
South Campus Special Guests: Kerwin and Vicki Dees
Do you have certain people that have had an impact on your life and you will never forget them? Kerwin and Vicki Dees are two of those people in my life. Coach Dees was my basketball coach in high school, and had to put up with both my bad shots and turnovers. (As well as my low vertical jump...) Both Coach and Vicki Dees have always been an encouragement to me, have made an impact on many of my close friends, and really live with the joy of Christ in their lives. Kerwin and Vicki have been through an incredible battle against cancer over the past 12 months. You can read more about it at her blog at www.vickidees.blogspot.com Vicki has been fighting small cell liver cancer for what seems like a short time but feels like a long time! By God's grace, Kerwin and Vicki will be at our south campus services at 9:30 am and 11:00 this Sunday, April 19th. Please pray that Vicki will have enough strength to share her testimony in both services. Make sure to invite a co-worker or neighbor there story will be unbelievably challenging. -casey
one month to live,
One Month to Live at Rejoice South
Easter was great! At both of our campuses, we had a great time reminding people of the suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ! Aren't you glad that on Easter we are reminded of the true hope when have in the work of Christ.
What would you do if you only had one month to live? Who would you spend your time with? What would you say? Where would you go? Each day everyone of us have a challenge of living in rememberance that we are not promised a certain amount of years. Join us this Sunday as we begin to discuss: One Month to Live at 9:30 am and 11:00 am. -casey
Friday, April 10, 2009
Good Friday and Easter is Coming
Today is Good Friday? The Friday immediatley preceding Easter, each year, is called Good Friday. This is the day that we remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. However, if "Good Friday" is the day of the crucifixion, why do we call it "good"? It obvious that what they/we did to Jesus on that day is not good, but the results of his crucifixion, death, and resurrection are more than good! Here is what the Bible says: Romans 5:8, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” First Peter 3:18 tells us, “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit.”
When we see the whole picture of the works of Christ, or hear the entire story of Jesus' life we then understand how we can call today, Good Friday! Did you know that God demonstrated His love toward you by dying for you? The reason Jesus came to suffer death, and to be raised to life was to restore the perfect God with us, imperfect/sinful people. Jesus came to make was was willingfully chosen-sin, to make us part of His chosen, children of God. Take some time today to pause and thank Jesus for the hope and life that we now have in Him! *Don't forget that the Rejoice South campus launches two new services times beginning this Sunday-9:30 am and 11:00 am. -casey
Thursday, April 9, 2009
maundy thursday
Did you know that today, the thursday before Easter is typically called Maundy Thursday? On this day, 4 major events occurred: the washing of the disciples feet (which Rejoice practiced last Sunday night), the Lord's Supper (we remembered last Sunday at both campuses), the agony of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, and the betrayal of Judas. All Christ-followers, pause today-this evening, to thank God for the following:
*Jesus, we thank you for your obedience to God the Father by becoming a servant to all mankind. You came to this earth, God-man, not to be served but to serve and give your life as a ransom for many. Your example and command of serving others is even displayed in your willingness to wash the feet of those whom you had authority over and power more than.
*Jesus, we thank you for the bread and the cup. The bread reminds us of your body and the willingness that you had to take the punishment of our sins upon your back. We remember your blood that was shed for the remission of our sins. It is only by grace through faith in your crucifixion, death, and resurrection that we can once again have common unity with God through Jesus by the Spirit.
*Jesus, we thank you that though your flesh desired to be removed from the punishment of the cross, your willing obedience was perfect, without spot or blame. Even as you sweat drops of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane...even as your closest disciples fell asleep as you headed toward the gruesome death, you followed the will of the Father.
*Jesus, you were betrayed by Judas, who was led by our enemy Satan to persecute you. Yet even in the evil deceit and murderous thoughts of the enemy and the one who deceived you, your perfect sovereign will was still completed. God it was your plan before time to allow your Son, Jesus Christ to die a sinner's death so that those who would place their faith in you could be rescued from the wrath of God.
Today, Maundy Thursday-we remember and we are thankful!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
holy week from passover to the resurrection of Jesus
The week following passover to the day that we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is typcially called Passion Week. So you ask, What is Passion Week? See www.gotquestions.org for this and more info...
Answer: Passion Week (also known as Holy Week) is the time from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday (Resurrection Sunday). Passion Week is so named because of the passion with which Jesus willingly went to the cross in order to pay for the sins of His people. Passion Week is described in Matthew chapters 21-27; Mark chapters 11-15; Luke chapters 19-23; and John chapters 12-19. Passion Week begins with the triumphal entry on Palm Sunday on the back of a colt as prophesied in Zechariah 9:9.
Passion Week includes events such as:
Jesus cleansed the Temple for the second time (Luke 19:45-46)
His Olivet Discourse on the end times and other things. (Matt. 24-25)
Jesus ate His Last Supper with His disciples in the upper room (Luke 22:7-38)
In the Garden of Gethsemane, that Jesus, having been betrayed by Judas, was arrested and taken to several sham trials before the chief priests, Pontius Pilate, and Herod (Luke 22:54-23:25).
Following the trials, Jesus was scourged at the hands of the Roman soldiers, then was forced to carry His own instrument of execution (the Cross) through the streets of Jerusalem along what is known as the Via Dolorosa (way of sorrows). Jesus was then crucified at Golgotha on the day before the Sabbath, was buried and remained in the tomb until Sunday, the day after the Sabbath, and then gloriously resurrected.
Jesus' overwhelming, all consuming Passion is the example for our lives and the answer for our eternity. How can you pause this week to thank God for sending His Son, Jesus Christ to earth? In what ways can you and your spouse or family remember Passion Week? How do you plan on praying with your kids about good Friday and Easter? -casey
Saturday, April 4, 2009
top 5 ways people hear the gospel through the local church
Ed Stetzer and his team recently released one of their largest surveys on Americans response to people inviting them to church on a typical Sunday. See in the graph, the top 5 reasons or ways that people decide to attend a church. The problems seems to be that while people are most likely to attend when a friend or family member "invites them", those of us who know Christ and attend a local church are actually less and less likely to invite them. In other words, Stetzer's continues, we seem to be infatuated with evangelism but very few of us will actually take the time to invite. Even though just "inviting" is easier than actually sharing our own "God-change" story more and more people are even afraid to invite their friends or neighbors. Why do you think we have such a hard time inviting those around us? Too busy? Too afraid? Not trust church leadership to delivery on Sundays? -What do you think? How do you plan on inviting someone to a Easter service at Rejoice? -casey
Thursday, April 2, 2009
baptism-holy water or holy obedience?
Reuters News posted a recent story from Oslo, Norway about "lemon cola becoming holy" a few days ago. A Norwegian pastor was in a recent jam because the water taps had become frozen due to the cold weather. The problem was that he had a "child baptism" scheduled for that morning. The Priest improvised that morning by dabbing the lemon fizzy water on the baby. Afterwards he admitted, the "lemon had gone flat but the smell made it unusual." As the lemon smell continued to linger, the priest felt then that it was only right that he let the couple know that he had not used holy water but holy "cola".
So is it the water that makes us holy? Is it the one baptizing that makes us holy? Does the act of baptism make us holy or is baptism a holy act of obedience? The Bible speaks a lot about baptism. You can read verses like Romans 6:4, Ephesians 4:5, Colossians 2:12, I Peter 3:21 and many more that point us to the significance of baptism. In the NT, baptism was always offered after repentance. Baptism is also reminder of our Savior Jesus and His death and resurrection. Baptism is also a public profession of our following Christ. It is an act of obedience to show the world that our lives have changed. So the water is not holy, nor is the person who baptizes us, but because God makes us holy through our belief in His work, we desire to obey his example in every detail of our life. Have you ever been baptized? Have you publicly acknowledged Christ as your Lord? On Sunday, May 3rd we will be having baptisms at the 9:30 am and 11:00 am services. Let us know if you are ready to obey Christ in baptism!
lemon cola,
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