Did you know that today, the thursday before Easter is typically called Maundy Thursday? On this day, 4 major events occurred: the washing of the disciples feet (which Rejoice practiced last Sunday night), the Lord's Supper (we remembered last Sunday at both campuses), the agony of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, and the betrayal of Judas. All Christ-followers, pause today-this evening, to thank God for the following:
*Jesus, we thank you for your obedience to God the Father by becoming a servant to all mankind. You came to this earth, God-man, not to be served but to serve and give your life as a ransom for many. Your example and command of serving others is even displayed in your willingness to wash the feet of those whom you had authority over and power more than.
*Jesus, we thank you for the bread and the cup. The bread reminds us of your body and the willingness that you had to take the punishment of our sins upon your back. We remember your blood that was shed for the remission of our sins. It is only by grace through faith in your crucifixion, death, and resurrection that we can once again have common unity with God through Jesus by the Spirit.
*Jesus, we thank you that though your flesh desired to be removed from the punishment of the cross, your willing obedience was perfect, without spot or blame. Even as you sweat drops of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane...even as your closest disciples fell asleep as you headed toward the gruesome death, you followed the will of the Father.
*Jesus, you were betrayed by Judas, who was led by our enemy Satan to persecute you. Yet even in the evil deceit and murderous thoughts of the enemy and the one who deceived you, your perfect sovereign will was still completed. God it was your plan before time to allow your Son, Jesus Christ to die a sinner's death so that those who would place their faith in you could be rescued from the wrath of God.
Today, Maundy Thursday-we remember and we are thankful!
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