Do you have certain people that have had an impact on your life and you will never forget them? Kerwin and Vicki Dees are two of those people in my life. Coach Dees was my basketball coach in high school, and had to put up with both my bad shots and turnovers. (As well as my low vertical jump...) Both Coach and Vicki Dees have always been an encouragement to me, have made an impact on many of my close friends, and really live with the joy of Christ in their lives. Kerwin and Vicki have been through an incredible battle against cancer over the past 12 months. You can read more about it at her blog at www.vickidees.blogspot.com Vicki has been fighting small cell liver cancer for what seems like a short time but feels like a long time! By God's grace, Kerwin and Vicki will be at our south campus services at 9:30 am and 11:00 this Sunday, April 19th. Please pray that Vicki will have enough strength to share her testimony in both services. Make sure to invite a co-worker or neighbor there story will be unbelievably challenging. -casey
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